Chpt 3

77 20 5

Ughh, I feel really.. heavy

The sun is out.

I guess it's morning

What time is it?

The hell??

Asami is...laying on me?!

I-I can't move.

That's right..

He was drunk last night when he came home.

I assume that he didn't have his way with me considering I'm mostly dressed.

"Asami, get up. Oi, Asami!"

Can he not hear me?

Come on, Asami.

Get off of me!

"Asami, please wake up!"

I can't believe this

His head is resting on top of mine.

His cut short, black hair is tickling my nose.

How the hell is he so comfortable like this?

I have to get up, my back is starting to hurt.

God, and it's getting hard to breath.

I guess I have no other choice.


I didn't want to push you on the floor, but my options were limited

Some food sound goof right now.

I'll request lunch to the chef.

Curry sounds good.

"Ouch. Ughh.."

My throat is incredibly sore.

See, it's not the first time Asami has choked me.

But that time, it was somewhat..different.

He seemed to do it out of regret rather than just anger.

Do I piss him off that much?

I know.

Considering what he said.

But I don't even know whether to take him seriously or not.

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