Ancient Blood Chapter 9

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"Hello? Yeah, Vaclav, look this is Vinnie. I just called to tell you that I've got another lead on one of those hunters of yours. Come by and I can tell you more" Vaclav listened to the message on his phone. The device itself confused him, and he really didn't see the point in having it. Why not just talk to someone face to face? Of course, this was probably because he was from a different time.

Vaclav put the phone back into his coat pocket and looked around his mausoleum. Over the many years of his living there, he had turned into quite the home. First he had expanded it, most of which was under ground. When you first walked into the tomb, it looked like a normal mausoleum. However, Vaclav had a device put in, which revealed a secret staircase, which led to Vaclav's home. There was a training room, living room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. It was far from what Vaclav had seen at Dracula's castle, but it suited his purposes, needs, and tastes.

Looking over to his couch, he saw Luna, quietly reading a book. Quietly, he observed her. She seemed a nice girl, if a bit mysterious, though this could simply be from her natural shyness.

"What are you reading?" Vaclav asked. Luna looked up from her book. "Dracula" she answered softly.

"Ah, Dracula. The most legendary of our kind" Vaclav said, almost thinking back to the day he first laid eyes on the count. "Was he really like this?" Luna asked curiously.

Vaclav was intrigued by her interest in vampires. He had truly expected her to hate her undead form.

"In some ways, yes. But most of what Bram says is fiction" Vaclav said calmly.

"You speak as if you know him" Luna said.

"I did. I killed him" Vaclav answered. Luna looked astonished. "You killed him? How? Why? Did he fight back?" Luna asked, now begging to know.

"Believe me, it wasn't anything I ever wanted to do. He was lonely, and sad. Although he took things too far. What he was doing would have led the world to discovering our exsistence. And yes, he did fight. He fought like a cornered, rabid animal. In the end, he wound up with his head cut off by myself. However, that Jonathan Harker fellow didn't tell it that way"

"Wow. I had no idea. So, are you the most powerful of vampires? I mean, to have killed Dracula is no small thing" Luna said, truly interested in the conversation. "I'm not the most powerful, no. But an average vampire would be smart not to face me directly.

Luna looked away toward the ground. "Will I ever be as powerful as you?" She asked softly.

"Yes, within time. But you must learn to control your gift. That is why I'm here. Anyway, I have to go. Another hunter has been found. Will you be ok by yourself?" Vaclav asked.

"I should be. Thank you for letting me stay" Luna said sweetly. Vaclav smiled before turning to leave. It was almost like having a daughter.

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