Ancient Blood Chapter 1

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New York, United States of America, 2012

The full moon was at it's brightest. Vaclav stood on small rooftop overlooking a an abandoned warehouse. This warehouse was abandoned, however it was also occupied. There was a infamous drug lord holed up with his gang in that warehouse. They dealt in just about anything from Marijuana, to Cocaine. 

Vaclav opened his long jacket and took out his desert eagle pistol. Just looking at it made Vaclav think about how quickly time had changed, and how he had to adapt every time it did. He quickly put in back into his coat and in it's place drew a personally customized sword. This sword in particular, was unlike any other. It was a Falchion but a personally custom one. The blade of the sword was pure black, and clearly was not made of any iron or steel, but some other metal, now lost to the ages. The blade had an ancient Romanian inscription on it, written in blood ink. The handle of the sword was white and made of Ivory, in contrast to the pure black blade. At the end of the sword's handle was a ring with a bat symbol inside of it.  It was truly a unique sword.

Vaclav sheathed the sword, and again examined the building he had planned to go inside of. On the roof of the abandoned warehouse, was a small hole. A hole just big enough for a bat to go inside of.

Inside the warehouse two armed guards sat at a table. "Say when do you think the boss will decide to pay us?" One of the men said. "Dunno. Maybe when you decide to asking stupid questions" the other said as he took a bite out of an apple he was holding. Just then a bat flew in through the hole in the roof. It was large vampire bat. "Oh shit!" Said one of the guards.

"The hell are you worried about? It's just a bat, it ain't gonna hurt ya" The other guard said. "Well it could be rabid! Look just get it outta here, would ya?" The frightened guard said backing away from the bat.

"Alright, alright if it makes ya feel better" The guard said as he turned around. He jumped when he did, as instead of a bat, there was a hooded man dressed completely in black instead.

"Who the hell are you?" The men asked as they pointed guns at the intruder. One had a pump action shotgun, and the other had a 9mm pistol. "Does it matter? I'm here as a customer, and you have goods. Shall we do business?" The hooded figure said in a clearly Transylvanian accent. The hooded man smiled, revealing two sharp fangs among his other teeth.

"Yeah, well they boss only does business after hours. Come back tomorrow" The guard with the pistol said sternly. "I see. Well I'm afraid that is quite impossible dear friend" Said the mysterious figure as it drew a desert eagle from it's coat. "Put that away. Now" Said the guard with the shotgun, cocking it as he said it.

Suddenly the hooded man open fired, instantly killing the guard with the pistol, and mortally wounding the other. As the wounded guard lay on the floor, bleeding to death, the mysterious man walked over to him, and picked him up by his shirt, with one hand. "Where is your boss?" The figure inquired. Slowly, the half dead guard raised his hand, and pointed to a door to the right.

The door flew open. In the middle of the dimly lit room, stood one man. The man wore a white shirt, and had a gun on his belt. Drawing the gun from it's belt he aimed at the hooded figure. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" The man asked. Smiling, the hooded man disappeared, as if turning invisible, into the shadows. The drug lord slowly walked over to where the hooded figure had been standing. "Where the fuck did you go, ass bag?" The drug lord yelled. Just as soon as the words escaped his lips, so did a gush of blood. Looking down at his stomach, the drug lord could see a long blade had run him through. "Shhh. Sleep now. It's over" Whispered the hooded figure in the man's ear. When the man fell, the strange man rose the sword up to his face, licking the blade clean of blood. It then turned into a bat and escaped out of the same hole it had come through, flying off, into the midnight sky.

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