Ancient Blood Chapter 2

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New York, United States of America, 2012

The door of the restaurant opened slowly. A hooded man walked in, his face hidden from view. It was a fancy restaurant, complete with fine dish and silverware, elaborate paintings and decor. There was even a large fountain in the center. The people in the restaurant tried to eat there food, but when the hooded figure walked by, they felt... afraid. No one knew the man, but they knew that something was not right about him. He walked in the shadow of death. 

"Shall I take your coat sir?" A timid waitress asked as the man walked by. The man simply raised his hand as he walked by, signaling her to leave him be. The man silently walked toward the back door, where the owner of the restaurant worked in his office. No one tried to stop him from going in.

As the door opened, a man sitting at a desk looked up from his papers, only to see the hooded man enter and shut the door behind him. "Vaclav Anghel. Just the man I wanted to see. To be honest, I didn't think you would use the door. I half expected you to fly through the window in the form of a bat, or something."

The hooded man simply smiled as he sat down, and removed his hood. The man was extremely pale, with deep red eyes. His hair was black and had a light bluish tint to it. Two fangs stood out among the rest of his teeth as he smiled. 

"Now, down to business" Said the man sitting at the desk. "Of course" Said Vaclav. "Now, what of the drug lord? Did you do as I requested?" "I did. No one saw or heard anything. To be honest, this was an interesting contract" 

The man sitting at the desk raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Why is that?" He said. "Well, I'm not really sure. Maybe it is because I never killed a drug lord before" Vaclav said in his transylvanian accent.

"Right then. Well, I guess you will be needing your payment for that won't you?" Said the man at the desk, as he opened his drawer and pulled out a stack of hundred dollar bills.

"Pleasure doing business with you" Vaclav said as he put on his hood and rose from his chair. "Oh and Vaclav. Check back with me in a few days. I may have some more work for you, if you want it" Said the man at the desk as Vaclav exited the door once again.

The night was dark, as no moon shone and the stars were hidden by the clouds. Vaclav walked on the sidewalk, deciding to cut through an ally to get to his hotel faster. As Vaclav walked, he felt a presence behind him. Vaclav turned just in time to see a man aim a crossbow at him. Rolling to the right, the bolt missed Vaclav's face just barely. Vaclav quickly drew his desert eagle and opened fired three times at his attacker, who fell to the ground instantly. Vaclav ran over to the now dead figure.

The dead man looked ordinary, save for the fact that he had a crossbow, and a pack of bolts. Valcav observed the body a little closer. There was a strange golden ring on the mans index finger. Taking it off and looking at it, Vaclav saw that the ring had a red sun symbol on it. Even though he had been alive for ages, Vaclav did not recognize this ring. Who was this man? Why did he attack him? Vaclav needed answers.

The sound of police sirens made Vaclav look in the direction of the sound. Quickly, Vaclav put the ring in his coat pocket. Vaclav closed his eyes, and envisioned a swarm of bats. Just as soon as he did, Vaclav vanished, and a large group of bats flew off together into the night. 

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