(4) Meeting Mr. Chael Slate

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As Chael drives around the night city streets, I look outside. Because it of the tinted windows, I can see Chael's face being reflected. I start to reminisce the first time I met him.

I was in Grade 7 back then. My father was new to the training father. It was during the Christmas Party at the training center. 

"Good evening everyone. We are gathered here today to celebrate Christmas with our training center family and with our dear families." The emcee began.

" And for his welcome speech let us put our hands together to our director, Capt. Ian Loui Slate."  And the crowd clap their hands together.

As Capt. Slate stand up from his table, I noticed a  young man beside him. He looks a lot like Capt. Slate except for his eyes so I guess  maybe he's the son. He is wearing a white and blue polo shirt with black  leather jeans. He looked like a kpop idol in his attire but it improves his looks more.

Suddenly his eyes meet mine and he smiled at me or at least that's what it looks like.

"Thank you for your harwork and support this year and may it continue next year and in the coming years. Merry Christmas and enjoy the rest of the party." Those words ended the speech of Capt. Slate.

And those were the only words that I heard from his speech because I was busy observing his son.

Finally we started to eat. The food is served buffet style. We are forming our lines to be able to get our food. As I was getting food, I turned around to look at my father who's busy talking with other training center instructors in their table I saw Capt. Slate's son face to face and upclose. My heart skipped a beat as I see his facial features closely.

"Uhmm, hello. Do you need anything?"  He asked.

"Nothing. Sorry, I was just looking at my father. He seemed to be enjoying the party." I replied.

"That's why your face is new to me. Your father is  the new marine engineer instructor over there?" He said while looking at the table where my father is.

"Yes." I looked at him and I was hoping he would say his name.

"My bad. My name is Michael Angelo Slate. You can call me Chael. (pronounced as kayel)" He offered his hand for a handshake.

I stretched out my hand as well and replied, "my name is  Mery Anastasia Cruz. You can call me Meann (pronounced as meyan). Nice to meet you."

After shaking hands he gestured his hand towards the food, signaling me that it's my turn to get my food. It has been my habit to get almost all of the viands available and dessert lessening the rice.

As I was moving forward, I notice Chael doing the same. I guess he notice me as well and said,
"I'm not imitating you. It has been my habit since I can't remember."

" I didn't said anything."

"Sorry if I offended you but you look like you're thinking about it."

"Okay." I replied and continued with getting my food. I bowed my head and returned to my table. He also did the same.

Actually I wasn't offended by what he said. More of I was amazed that he was able to read my mind. We barely even know each other.

As people finish their food and prepare for games and he exchanging gift, I decided to go for a walk outside the AVR of the training center where the party is being held.

All I Need Is Your LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon