Chapter Three

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Carson is standing at the door. I hug Nana and Dad goodbye. "I'll see you in a month."

Carson takes my suitcase and opens my door for me, then throws my suitcase in the back of the truck as he goes around.

"Did you text Noir what time your flight will probably be landing?" He asks. "I don't want you to get there and have no one to meet you."

"I did. He said he can't wait for me to land." I hop up and down on my seat. "I'm so excited I literally can't even."

        Carson doesn't reply and I don't really notice. He's subdued the whole car trip while I chatter excitedly.

        We get to the airport and I check in, and then we sit and wait for my flight. It's now that I finally quiet down.

       "Remember last time I made this trip?" I ask quietly.

      Carson nods, "Such a different atmosphere than now."

        "This is a much more enjoyable feeling." I say.

      We're quiet some more, and then Carson reaches into his pocket. "I have something for you."

     I grin, "Are you gonna do that cheesy thing where the boyfriend gives the girlfriend jewelry to remember him by because she's going away for a while?" I say in one breath.

      Carson looks hurt, "Yes, I am going to do 'that cheesy thing.' " He says.

I place my hand on his arm, "It's only two weeks."

"Two weeks with my biggest competition for you, without me around. I have to give you something to remember me by."

He takes out a jewelry case and hands it to me. I open it, inside is a silver necklace. Dangling from the necklace is one charm, a heart, with two letters engraved on it: L and C, with a diamond between them.

I look at Carson, "It's beautiful." I say breathlessly. I hand it to him and lift my hair off my neck. He clasps it gently.

The necklace reaches an inch below the collar of my shirt.

"Thank you Carson." I whisper.

"You're welcome," he whispers back.

        We sit in silence for another half hour before the call for my flight comes over the loudspeaker.

      "This is it!" I say with a grin.

       "This is it." He replies solemnly, and I laugh at the serious look on his face.

       He steps forward and wraps his arms around me. I turn my head to the side as we hug, listening to his heartbeat. I reach right at that spot on his chest.

            "I love you," he says, and his voice rumbles in his chest. I turn my face upward for his kiss.

          "I love you too." I say.

      I grab my carry-on bag with my left hand, and he helps me sling my jacket over my right. I head to my terminal, turning around once to wave excitedly. He's standing with his hands in his jean pockets, watching me leave.


        "Please, return trays and seats to upright position and buckle your seat belts. We are landing in sunny LA momentarily!" A cheery voice says over the intercom.

        I obey the instructions, bouncing slightly in my seat in excitement. The woman next to me shoots me a dirty look, but nothing can dim my bright outlook.

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