Chapter Ten

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We reach the beach which is totally empty, not surprising seeing's how it's 11 at night.

We approach the ocean and Noir turns me to face him.

Caution flares in me when I see the look in his eye. Animalistic, dominance, desire, and definitely not something I like.

"I believe," he says hoarsely. "We have some unfinished business."

I look around, avoiding his eye. "I-I, uh, no we don't."

"Oh yes we do." His hands move, one under my chin and another behind my head. His lips come crashing onto mine.

His lips are warm, and confident. He's so sure of himself.

This is so wrong. This is so, so wrong.

I pull away, he doesn't remove his hands from me. His eyes search mine, scanning coolly for some hint of returning the gesture.

"Noir, I-I have a boyfriend."

"I could've sworn this was what you wanted. You've been sending me signals all week."

Anger flares in me. "I have not!"

"Are you sure?" He asks, his voice irritatingly calm and self-assured.

I rack my brain, thinking of the past week and a half I've been here.

I remember how I lighted up when I saw him in the airport.

I remember later that night, shopping for the dress, insisting he approve because 'his opinion mattered to me.'

I think about the first time I saw him drink at the beach, I didn't ever correct him when he said I was 'his' beautiful Lexi.

I never straightened that out.

I remember our talk on the beach. Oh, that was the worst. I allowed physical romantic contact and I told him deep secrets I haven't shared with my beloved.

My brain flashes through the week, all the innocent times I thought were friendly, but Noir didn't take that way.

Carson warned me.

Why was I so willing to spend alone time with Noir?

"Oh Noir," I say softly. "I don't, I don't like you in that way."

A smug look flashes in his eyes, no sign of a letdown. "I honestly find that extremely hard to believe."

And here is the cocky side of Noir that hasn't come out much this week. I'd forgotten how bad it can get, but he was always like this on the phone.

"Noir, I-"

"It's okay. I'm not giving up."

How do I get through to him? How do I let him down easy? As hard as it is to admit, he is one of my best friends and it's painful on both sides when something like this happens.

     "I have Carson-"

      "I get it. He's holding you back. Even if you don't love him as much, old loyalties to him are holding you back." Noir says.

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