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His highness was, much to Ki's surprise, making his way through the obstacle course as the riders rode through the camp. Getting off her horse, Ki watched as the prince scaled the ten-foot wall with ease. It was like he had a set of invisible wings attached to his back that made him fly up the wall. The fact that he seemed to be in excellent shape annoyed her endlessly. Why couldn't he just have been one of those spoiled, snotty brats that never left his castle so no one had to suffer his constant complaints from the weather to the food served to him?

Ki let out a sigh that caused Emmie to turn towards her. A wolfish grin appeared on her face and Ki instantly realized that Emmie probably thought the sigh was romantic. Ki shook her head and turned her eyes skyward, emphasizing how wrong Emmie was interpreting it.

"I'm sure I could take that royal douche on the obstacle course," Thatch muttered to Ori in the back of the group. The statement caused Ki to smile, if only to know that Thatch seemed threatened by the prince.

Prince Rylan cleared the course and headed towards them. He was panting, his coal black hair plastered to his head, face glistening with sweat.

"Greetings, young Howlers," he said, smiling broadly, hands resting on his hips.

"Greetings, your highness," Master Sarko said from Ki's right side. The Four copied and spoke their greetings to the heir of the throne.

"How went your excursion?" Ki felt the prince's stare on her and she busied herself with checking the leather straps on her mare's saddle.

"Rather eventful," Thatch said, coming up to the front to face Prince Rylan, who seemed to suddenly ooze royal superiority towards Thatch.

"How so?" He sounded unfazed.

"We met a Shadow Walker," Thatch said, his tone more indifferent than usual. But he reveled in watching the prince's expression go from cheerful to shocked. The prince turned towards Sarko, as if needing to be confirmed from a higher rank. Sarko nodded.

"It's true, your highness. However, we were able to deal with the creature and the Four Howlers worked together exceedingly well." He sounded almost like a proud father, boasting about his genius children. Emmie even looked to be standing a little taller at this.

"Excellent. I assume the king will be notified of this?"

"I sent a messenger to the capital." Ki hadn't noticed, but as she turned and surveyed their small group, she did count one less soldier than they'd brought with them. He must have dispatched from the group when they'd turned from the main road and to the one leading to Warrior City.

"Great." The sourness of the prince's tone surprised Ki so much that she looked at him. He was staring straight at her, as if he'd been watching her all this time. She knew flame coursed through his veins and it was a common trait for Fire Howlers to be hotheaded and with a temper.

"I need a bath," Thatch announced all the sudden and it was like the atmosphere around them lifted from an invisible weight that had been pressing down on them.

"I shall not occupy your time any further," Rylan said, nodded to them all. "I believe soldier Thoran has challenged me to a sprint around the track." He winked at Ki and Emmie before turning on his heels, the Earth Howler immediately flushing bright scarlet. Ki almost wanted to follow the prince, to see Thoran again and tell him about their trip. Her thoughts were interrupted by a light push from her mare. She'd have to take care of her horse before doing anything else, like running off to see a soldier.

"Let's get the horses settled," Emmie said, as if she could read Ki's thoughts.

As soon as her mare had been let into the main fold and her riding gear cleaned and put away, Ki went straight for the training grounds. None of the others came with her; Emmie was tired, Ori was hungry and had sought out the food tent and Thatch had barely looked at any of them as he announced he was off for his long-awaited bath.

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