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Seeing the high, wooden gates of Warrior City instantly relaxed Ki's body in a way she hadn't felt before. For the first time since leaving Air, she felt like she was coming home. It was early evening and the summer sun had started its slow descend towards the ocean. The days would soon be growing shorter, with autumn on the horizon and Ki knew that harvest would eventually begin and all the cities across Aethorin would be working to secure this year's crops, which would last them through the winter and next spring.

They rode in one file through the gates, small children laughing and running next to their horses, waving up at the Howlers who returned their waves with smiles.

"Excited for the summer solstice celebrations in a few days?" Thatch asked Ki as they reached the lake that divided the soldiers' barracks and the Four Howler houses.

"I am," she said. "But I'm mostly excited about not being forced to spend it at the capital." Thatch nodded in agreement as they rode along the calm surface of the lake.

At summer solstice, they would celebrate the gods and thank them for the crops they were about to harvest, especially the sun god, Jirlova, would be honoured and thanked for the long days of light.

Entering her small home, Ki sighed a breath of relief. Running her hand along the hallway wall she walked to her bedroom and practically flung herself onto her bed. She wasn't even sure she had the strength to go to dinner, though at the mere thought of skipping a meal, her stomach grumbled in protest and the decision had been made for her. Besides, she thought as she closed her eyes for a moment, she'd be able to look for Thoran in the food tent. She'd missed their morning practices and was looking forward to getting back into their familiar rhythm.

There was nothing romantic about her friendship with the soldier and she liked it that way. They were both in no position to be romantically involved, but she valued the time that they spent together. He was easy to talk to and they got along well.

When the dinner bell chimed an hour later, Ki practically leapt out of the bed, smiling at the thought of seeing her friend soon.

The dinner tent was buzzing with life and as she stood in line for the deliciously smelling food, Ki craned her neck to scan the people already sitting at the long tables, but there was no sight of Thoran.

With a plate ladened with spiced rice and meat cooked in a creamy sauce, Ki found a seat at the far end of a table.

"Air Howler!" Ki's head snapped up, expecting to see Thoran, but her spirit fell slightly when another soldier, Jem, she believed was his name, made his way towards her.

"Back from the gold and luxury so soon?" He asked, sitting down opposite her.

"What can I say, I missed this place."

They ate for a few minutes in silence, Ki observing every new entrant to the tent, but so far, no Thoran. Yet she also noticed there were fewer soldiers present than usual.

She finally gave in and asked Jem, "do you know where soldier Thoran is?"

"I thought you knew, being at the palace and all." Her blank stare was answer enough for Jem to continue. "Reports came in about pirate ships along the Northern shore so the king dispatched extra soldiers, among them were Thoran and Kent as well."

"How long have they been gone?"

"They rode out only two days after you left."

Ki had forgotten about the steaming food on her plate.

"Don't worry, he'll be back in no time. Pirates are easily dealt with, especially if they are dumb enough to go to shore." Soldier Jem winked at her and Ki offered a weak smile in return. She knew there was no reason to worry, that she was being silly and selfish that she'd wanted Thoran to be here so that they could train, but a nagging feeling unnerved her.

"Not that it's any of my business, but why are you not with them?"

Jem, looking almost forlorn, spiked a piece of tender meat on his fork. "I was deemed unfit to go because of my hand." He lifted his left hand and it wasn't until now that Ki saw the thick, white bandages.

"Hit by a training sword and broke three fingers, thumb included. Luckily it wasn't my sword arm or I would have killed my sparring partner," he said with a slight chuckle.

"That would have been one unlucky soldier."

"Indeed. It was Thoran."

His laughter rubbed off on Ki and she joined in.

"How could he have done that?" She asked, grinning at the image conjured up in her head.

"I was-"

"Mind if I join?"

Ki looked up to see Thatch standing with a plate of food. He was smiling politely, despite interrupting Jem.

"Of course," Jem said, nodding to the empty seat on Ki's left. Thatch flashed a smile and sat down next to her.

"So, where's your training friend?" He asked, scooping up a big pile of rice and filling his mouth.

"He was sent North because of pirates," Ki answered.

"Piewats, rewwy?" His words were barely distinguishable between the mountain of rice and meat in his mouth. He held up a finger as he struggled to swallow the food. Why did practically all men eat like this?

"Are you serious? Pirates? Why aren't we up there with them?" Thatch asked after finally swallowing his food.

"A few pirate ships should be easily managed by the army," Jem answered politely. He locked eyes with Thatch and Ki watched a silent exchange between the two, making her feel oddly uncomfortable. She focused on gulping down a cup of cider from a pitcher standing in the middle of the table.

"Whatever," Thatch eventually said, turning his concentration to his food. Ki glanced at Jem who shrugged before saying goodbye and leaving with his empty plate.

Ki tried to engage Thatch in a conversation, not liking the tension in the air.

"Do you think the pirates are from Ospyria?" She asked, scooping up a mouthful of now cooled rice. She chewed, her mouth full of flavours that she knew originated from that very same country.

"It's highly likely," Thatch nodded. "Most pirates are so the odds are these are as well."

"I just don't get it. What does Aethorin have that pirates would want?"

"Food and women mostly."

"Yeah, but aren't the Northern shores mostly rocks? Where would they come ashore?"

"I don't know," Thatch shrugged.

The following days was spent with intensive training. Sarko pushed them more and more, even sending them out on small training assignments outside the city.

"You need to learn to survive in the wild, building fires and finding shelter. You cannot always expect warm beds at night."

Summer solstice came and went with a great gathering in the small city centre. Festivities lasted all through the day, offerings were made to the sun god and there were dancing and drinking at night by large bonfires. Thatch provided some entertainment for young and old by creating images in the fire that told short stories, much to the children's delight. The control he was getting over his element amazed Ki. She laughed when he made a stag chase a man around, aiming the large antlers for the man's rear end. It got him and everyone erupted with laughter.

"It's almost easy to forget he's a pain most days," Emmie said to Ki, both girls grinning as they watched the Fire Howler.

"He's not so bad," Ki smiled, earning a soft elbow in the side by her friend.

"So, you've given up on Rylan then?"

"Rylan who?"

The Air Howlers Book I ✔Where stories live. Discover now