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Ki tried not to run through the library, so she walked as fast as she could, not wanting to look behind to see if Rylan was following her. She didn't know if she wanted him to or not, but her steps slowed when she spotted where the voices that had interrupted them came from. Or in fact just one voice.

"Thatch? What are you doing in here?" She tried sounding normal as she willed her steps to slow down before approaching the last person she'd wanted to see at that moment.

"Looking for you actually. A birdie named Emmie said I could probably find you here," he shrugged, leaning against a table. "We're meeting with Sarko soon." Just then his eyes focused on something behind her and she knew Rylan had decided to show himself.

"I didn't know you had company," Thatch said, his voice suddenly icy cool.

"Yes, well, Prince Rylan was so kind to show me the Howler heritage books so I could look up my great great grandfather." She felt the prince behind her and tried to keep the blood from rising to her face.

"That is very kind of him," Thatch replied, smiling, though it was far from being sincere.

"Yes and I am afraid I have royal affairs to attend to," Rylan said, polite as ever. He stepped up next to Ki who tried not to tense as he took her hand and lifted it to his lips. Those lips that, only minutes before, had been kissing her lips.

"I hope you found what you were looking for?"

"Thank you, it was most enlightening." Their formalities were like a blade slowly twisting her insides, but she smiled politely at the Crown Prince.

With a nod towards Thatch, Prince Rylan excused himself and left the library and Ki felt the blade stop twisting.

"I don't know what it is, but I do not like that guy," Thatch muttered as they left the room. Ki tried willing herself back to normal.

"You don't like anyone, Thatch," she said and to that he simply shrugged.

Thatch took her down to a massive ball room where the celebrations for Princess Amberlee would take place the next night. Various celebrations would be held throughout the day in the whole city, but for the royals, the court and other specially invited guests, the party would continue in the ballroom with a feast and various hired performances, including the new Four Howlers.

Ki spotted Emmie and Ori chatting up on a makeshift stage at one end of the room as well as Master Sarko, who was talking with a servant.

"We're here," Thatch announced and Ki put on a smile. She decided not to tell any of them about her father's questionable family. It was her family and no one needed to know about it.

"Right, you are all here," Sarko said, dismissing the servant who rushed out of the room. "We have lots to go over before tomorrow night and nothing can go wrong or the king will probably blame me for it."

The statement, meant as humorous, didn't go unnoticed by Ki who remembered how Rylan had told her Sarko was the king's cousin. How glad she was that she wasn't at all related to the royal family.

The next two hours went by with all of them rehearsing their performance, knowing exactly where to stand and connecting with each other at the right times. Several people came and went, mostly servants setting up tables and sitting areas. Colourful pillows big enough to sit on were placed in corners and as the practice went on, Ki wanted nothing more than to drop down on one of them and sleep until morning.

"Gather around, Howlers," Sarko said at the precise moment Ki just wanted to drop to the floor from exhaustion. Using your powers for that long could drain any Howler of their energy. Using too much power could even kill you. Ki had heard about a Water Howler who tried creating a massive wave to wipe out a city that his Howler gift drained him of his life energy and he just collapsed on the ground, dead. "Respect your gift," her uncle Kattar used to say.

The Air Howlers Book I ✔Where stories live. Discover now