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They reached Warrior City just after suppertime with the last remaining rays of sun leading them up to the city gates. They were metal doors and looked heavy enough to push on your own. On both sides of the door wooden beams had been raised, vertically, circling the entire city. They must have been fifteen feet high Ki thought as Clancy's fist clanged loudly on the metal. A small square opened and half a face could be seen asking them of their business in Warrior City.

Of course no one could just wander into the city unnoticed. Clancy finished introducing them and the eyes in the opening turned their attention to Ki. He mumbled something behind the door, but it was too muffled for Ki to understand.

"What is he saying?" she asked Clancy. He looked back at her.

"He said, 'so she's the Air Howler. The last to arrive'."

She patted her mare and put on a brave smile.

"Well then, best not keep them waiting any longer," she said, nudging her horse forward. Eldair grinned and then the gates to her new home opened, inviting her inside and she rode in.

The city of Warriors were at first sight not as Ki had expected; rows upon rows of vendors lined the street starting just inside the gates and despite the time of day, or night, they were all bustling with life. Men and women were standing in groups and chatting whilst young toddlers ran around their legs, playing a game of tag. Ki had expected a bit more warrior atmosphere. She ducked her head towards Eldair as they trotted past the first couple of vendors.

"Where are all the warriors?" She whispered in a loud voice in order to be heard above the chatters and callings of food items.

"They live in the barracks at the far end of the city, where the rest of the people won't be disturbed by their training."

"I guess that makes sense," Ki said, nodding slowly as she turned her head left and right, taking in all the sights and smells. Between the vendors of people selling various craftsmanship items and clothing, there were food stalls and the most amazing and foreign scents drifted up Ki's nose, making her mouth water and her stomach signaled to her that it was ready for dinner.

"I just thought in Warrior City that there'd be, well, more warriors." She heard both Eldair and Clancy chuckle and she bit her lip to keep herself from uttering another dumb comment. Apparently, apart from being the city that hosted the country's soldiers, it was also a normal city where regular people lived and worked. As if Eldair read her thoughts he replied, "Well there are quite the amount of soldiers living here Miss Arynn, so naturally, the city needs a good amount of people to tend to things such as cooking, cleaning and repairs." He led the words hang in the air as Ki put two and two together.

They led their horses down the vendor street and people started looking at them, some even whispering, probably realizing who Ki was. She caught Eldair waving to a large dark skinned woman who was stirring in a big pot of what looked like stew. She grinned at him and waved back. Of course the people in Warrior City would know Eldair. He had after all lived here for a long time.

"Ms. Warda makes the city's best beef stew; a must for a young Howler like you," Eldair said, smiling as if remembering fond memories.

"Is she a Fire Howler?" Ki asked, knowing it was common that many Fire Howlers decided to work with food. Eldair glanced sideways at her.

"She's ungifted, actually. They happen to possess remarkable skills."

Ki bowed her head, knowing perfectly well that she shouldn't think any less of the ungifted. "I'm sorry," she muttered.

The road forked and Eldair guided them to the left, past a small cluster of birch trees. A small lake lay on their right and past that, Ki could see the large wooden barracks that housed the Aethorin soldiers.

The Air Howlers Book I ✔Where stories live. Discover now