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It felt like a lifetime ago since the day Ki had stepped into the Chamber of Revelation and gotten chosen as a Four Howler. All those months ago, Ki wouldn't have ever dreamed of being an honoured guest at the royal palace or having just showed off her Howler gift to the entire royal family and their court. She'd never thought that she would be on such good speaking terms with the future king of Aethorin, let alone having shared a kiss, accident or no. 

All these thoughts whirled around in her head as she breathed in the chilled night air. The silence was a welcoming break from all the chatter she'd had to endure since arriving in Aebor.

"Where's your head at?" Thatch muttered softly. Ki felt his warm breath tickling her hair. He was the first to speak after several minutes of comfortable silence. Only a handful of people were left in the courtyard, which made it feel private and more secluded.

"Just thinking about everything that has happened since Revelation Day," she whispered, not wanting to disturb the peaceful setting.

"A lot has happened. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure it's not all just a dream," Thatch said. Ki reached up to touch the arm he still had wrapped around her shoulders. She nipped soft skin on his forearm between two fingers and Thatch yelped in surprise.

"Just checking," she laughed and he joined in, squeezing her shoulders gently.

"So, this is where you two are hiding," Emmie's voice rang clear in the quiet courtyard. Her and Ori appeared next to the bench and Ki, not wanting them to get the wrong picture of her and Thatch, tried to straighten her back, but all Thatch did was tighten his grip on her, keeping her firmly next to him. Ki glared at him, but he shrugged as if to say 'who cares'.

"We decided that fresh air would do us some good," Thatch said casually. Emmie was staring at them, looking to Ki to figure out what was going on, but Ki subtly shook her head, not wanting such a conversation to happen here with the guys.

"Sarko said we would head back to Warrior City at first light tomorrow," Ori said.

"Great," Thatch said, finally removing his arm from Ki's shoulders and stood up, stretching himself. "I can't wait to be out of this place."

"And apparently the prince won't be returning with us," Ori continued, now looking at Ki.

"Even better." Ki felt Thatch's stare and she stood, avoiding him and turned to Ori.

"Did Sarko say that?"

"Yes, apparently, he's got royal affairs to attend to," Ori shrugged, clearly not feeling like this was a big deal. But it was, wasn't it? She had to see him to sort out whatever was going on between them. Who knew when they would see each other again?

"I'll see you later," she said, already making her way back towards the ballroom, hoping Rylan was still there.

"Ki?" Thatch called after her, but she forced herself to continue and not look back.

Inside the celebrations were still in full swing. Ki searched for the prince in the bustling crowd, but it was hard to make out people's faces in the dim lighting. Couples were dancing to the musicians playing their instruments on the podium where Ki and the others had been performing earlier. The beat was a faster one and she could faintly remember something similar being played at Chi's Tavern back in Air.
A stab of longing hit her and suddenly she wished she was anywhere but the capital. What she wouldn't give to be standing on the mountain cliffs overlooking her hometown. To be walking the cobblestoned streets of Air with her uncle, on their way to another meal at Chi's. Heck, even helping her drunken uncle into bed after he'd had too much ale. She wished for any of these things.

A hand grabbed her shoulder from behind and Ki nearly shrieked. Whirling around she relaxed upon seeing the prince.

"Don't scare me like that," she growled, batting his hand away.

"Where did you go?" He was frowning, a small crease between his eyebrows. Someone bumped into Ki and she stepped closer to the prince.

"Come with me," he said, grasping her hand and began leading her towards a door at the back of the room. Some people stared, but no one dared call after the prince.

They stepped through the door and entered a small chamber room, scarcely decorated with only few paintings on the walls, a small window high up on the far wall. No furniture but with another door on the left. A waiting room of some kind.

"I could barely hear myself think out there," Rylan sighed, closing the door behind him. The noise from the ballroom was blocked out almost completely. It was pleasant, Ki noted, but not as much as it had been in the courtyard.

"Why are you not returning to Warrior City with us?" Ki asked, taking a step backwards to keep some clear distance between them. Rylan's posture turned from relaxed to almost defeated.

"Don't think I didn't try, but my father is saying I'm needed here." He gestured at the palace walls. "I'm afraid he's grown tired of my restless ways and wants me to settle down at the palace."

"Settle down? What does he-" Ki's voice died out as she slowly realised what it was he meant. "Oh." Her voice was barely a whisper and the pained expression grew on Rylan's face. She nodded, mostly to herself, accepting what she had known would happen. It wasn't as if she'd wanted things to turn out differently. Their paths had both been carved out a long time ago and there was no way to change that.

"Alright then."

"Ki, you must believe me that I don't want this, but I have no choice. My father's word is law." He stepped towards her, but she crept backwards, shaking her head. "You know I don't want to marry her, but defying my father will do nothing good for anyone."

"Then it is probably for the best that I leave tomorrow anyway." Her eyes locked on his. Ki felt an oddly calm inside her body. She knew this would happen, which was why she was glad that nothing else had happened between them. The rumours of Lady Raewyn's heritage floated in her head, but she didn't want to talk about it with him. He probably knew already and it obviously didn't bother him one bit. The things people would do for their country. She was relieved to be getting away from him and this wretched and twisted family of his.

"Kianna," his voice broke and Ki suddenly couldn't bear to look at him anymore. "I cannot stop thinking about you, about our kiss and-"

"Our kiss was a mistake and should have never happened," she interrupted. "You said it yourself you couldn't be with a Four Howler so why pursue something that could never be in the first place? This was nothing more than a waste of both our time." She stepped around him, eyes fixed on the door. He let her, though she didn't expect him to, arms hanging limp down his sides in complete defeat.
She stopped and half-turned. Taking a deep breath and after a moment of thought she squared her shoulders and turned towards him completely and bowed, not an inch lower than etiquette demanded.

"Goodbye Your Highness. I suppose I can expect a wedding invitation soon enough." She straightened and left, not looking back. She didn't even feel his eyes on her as she closed the door on the prince for good.  

The Air Howlers Book I ✔Where stories live. Discover now