Chapter 6

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"Ummm I um we were uhh just uhh" Wen stuttered.

"Having fun which I apparently don't have the right to be having." I said harshly.

" I know you're upset about the move but there are still rules." He said.

" Like the no dating rule you broke." I retorted.

"What I do is none of your concern." He returned.

"Well I guess we're on the same page" I said grabbing Wens sleeve and pulling him past and out the door.

When I felt like I was far enough I loosened my grip on his sleeve.

Dead leaves littered the floor beneath my feet. The cool wind blowing through the still air. Nothing about the scenery was calming to me.

My breaths came out quick and heavy. I just felt so angry and annoyed and for some reason helpless and sad.

I rubbed my hands against my eyes and then pulling them down to my side letting out a soft breath.

He slid his hand into mine pulling me to face him. But then quickly dropping it.

"This is probably going to sound really stupid but are you okay?" He questioned softly.

" No." I whispered. My heart was working ten times harder than usual and I had all these thoughts in my head.

" I -" I let out a frustrated huff when I heard my voice shaking.

" First my mom decides to leave because I guess I'm not a good enough daughter to have around. Being anxiety ridden and having not a single shred of self confidence is apparently a deal breaker. And then my dad starts dating someone else and decides that it would be a marvelous idea to uproot me from my home where I finally feel like I belonged to a place I've never been. Not only does he take me away from my home he doesn't care how I'm taking it and is all rapped up in his girlfriend. " I rambled heaving a long breath and angrily wiping my tears away.

" Now that I actually have someone I can call a friend he wants to criticize me make me out to be the bad guy."

"I'm just tired. Tired of being insecure about every little thing from my facial features , not being hair free like all these other girls. Not being smart enough always stressing over everything. And just being me." I said reliving every thing I hated about my self.

"Sometimes i feel like everything is fine and then other times I just don't know what to do." I whispered defeated.

" I might not be good at comforting people but this is the complete truth when I say that you are incredibly beautiful and extremely intelligent. Its so hard to fathom that you can actually believe that you aren't. You're unique to yourself and none of those things matter. "

"There are some things you can't control and you shouldn't want to. As cliche as this sounds no one is perfect and no one should strive to be." He told me starring at me face first trying to convey his message.

I nodded my head slightly looking down.

When he saw that I wasn't completely convinced he continued.

" Trust me I've had my fair share of all of that. You don't know how many times I've woken up and just hated every single thing about me. My annoying freckles, being tall and awkward, the color of my hair and so much more. And I'm still struggling with all those things." He admitted.

"But sometimes I wake up and I'm so thankful to be alive so happy to not look like everyone else. And I just accept that I am who I am and I need to learn how to love me." He told me his voice full of emotion almost begging me to understand.

The next thing I knew I was burying myself in his shirt .I could tell he felt shocked at first but returned it. We stood there rocking back and forth slightly till I didn't feel like I could shed another tear.

" How about we do something fun?" he asked when our tears have dried up.

" Like what?" i questioned wiping my sleeves under my eyes.

"Well their is this abandoned mall near by and I think It will be just the place to get our spirits high."

"Nothing like sitting behind an old Auntie Anne's Store and eating store bought pretzels." I added laughing.

"So its settled we'll grab some food and head over." he said clapping his hands together. Making it seem like what we were about to do was the equivalent to walking in a park.

"No time like teenage rebellion like the present." I said shrugging .

"That's the spirit." he laughed.

"Lets go before I change my mind." I threatened jokingly.

"Right" he said hurriedly.  Grabbing my arm unexpectedly to run down the street.

You've probably noticed the changes in Wen's character. I just thought I'd change it up let me know what you think. And they're heading to an abandoned mall!! I've always loved those places they're so big and there are still things left from before it closed. They're awesome but I do not suggest going there at night lol. Thank you for being patient!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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