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Today was the second day of school and I already felt out of place. The day before I didn't go to any classes. I  just talked to the principal a bit and put my stuff in the locker. I went to lunch too but I didn't really talk or eat.

I  got a lot of these weird looks but I've been used to them. People can't really digest the fact that I wear a hijab I guess.

After getting dressed I walked down and passed my Dad and his girlfriend preparing to leave .

Disregarding their presence I left and began walking to school. I don't talk to his girlfriend ever and I haven't been talking to my dad.  I guess he forgets the fact that my mom isn't here doesn't mean he is not a Muslim and should date.

It was about a 30-40 minute walk so I put some headphones on and clicked my emo playlist since I was on my way to 8-hour constituted torture.

Once I got to school and with one quick look around I realized I was early. Hmm I guess I didn't check the time correctly. I took out my headphones and stuffed my phone into my pocket. I dejectedly made my way in and towards my locker so I could put more of my things away and get ready for class.

When I got there I saw a rather tall boy with pale freckled skin and dark curly hair. He looked like the nonathletic type where the idea of spending time at a gym was a crime just like me. I noticed he was having a conversation with the vice principal.

I moved closer and silently asked the vice principle to excuse me so I could get to my locker. Once he moved I noticed the damage done to my locker.

I paused my movements shock the only thing that could describe what I was currently feeling. You've got to be kidding me?! The second day and things were already getting worse.

"Wh- What happened to my locker?" I askedhim still not taking my eyes off of it.

"Well the football team were rough housing a bit, you know being boys and they accidentally must have hit your locker." he said no concern evident in his voice.

I put in the combination I memorized from yesterday and when it opened the door just fell off its hinges.

I looked up at him and he still looked like he didn't see the problem.

"What am I supposed to do ? I can't carry all my books." I told him fixing the strap of my messenger bag on my shoulder.

His face crumpled a bit like I was causing unnecessary trouble.

"You could share with someone?" he suggested.

"I don't know anyone." I said my voice irritated and thick.

I could hear rusting behind me but I payed no attention to it.

"I will try to get something on it but for know just carry your things." he replied annoyed like I did this to my own locker. He then turned and left.

When he was out of view I dropped my bag on the ground and momentarily screamed into my hands my voice muffled, I then composed myself  before going to pick my bag up.

There was a paper sticking out of the side of my bag that I was pretty sure I hadn't seen before.

I took it out and there were numbers in scrawled rushed handwriting. I looked behind it and there was a note.

I squinted before I could make out the words "You can use the bottom of my locker. I don't use it at all and if I know Mr. Charles he wont get yours done soon."

After reading the note I put together that the numbers must have been locker numbers. I turned around and looked for the boy that I first saw. I guess he must have left before Mr. Charles.

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