part 2

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Rrrriiiinnnngggg!!! Was all I heard. I shot out of bed faster than you could say go! 'Omg!' I said trying to get my breath back. 'What's up with you?' My mum questioned me chuckling away to herself. 'My alarm clock rang and I like....erm....well..I.. kinda fell out of bed. 'well you've got college so I would hurry up and get ready!' She said more sternly that the last. 'I know, I know!' I muttered under my breath so she didn't hear me. 'What?' She asked 'oh nothing' I quickly replied.

After I had been into the bathroom to do what I needed I went down stairs for my breakfast when there was a knock on the door. 'I'll get it mum' I said rushing over to the door. 'Hey' it was Aston and he looked so handsome 'oh hey, erm I thought you were walking to college with Marv?' I said looking slightly confused. 'Well I was meant to but he's with Abbie so I was wondering if I could.. Maybe walk with you?' He said, but how could I say no tho his beautiful brown eyes!

'Erm..,yeah but we are walking with josh if you don't mind' I said 'oh its okay then I'll walk alone' he said as he turned round. 'No ast wait....' I said trying to catch up with him when I saw josh but he wasn't alone.. He had some fake orange pumpkin hanging off his arm. He saw me with Aston and shouted 'hey, its... like. I can-' he said before I cut him off. With Aston by my side I felt so safe and secure. 'Save it josh I never want to talk to you ever again'. Aston had his eyes stuck like glue on josh with a sudden flush of anger in his face. ' ast..' I spoke through tears as he turned around and squeezed me in his arms. 'come on babes its okay' he said in his soothing voice . I just buried my head into his chest.

Am I falling for ast? What should I do? Should I tell him?

Hey guys I know its a bit boring but we will get there in the end!!

Please vote and comment and give me some ideas!!

Ellie x

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