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"Ella, look at this!!" Mia screeched in my ear while showing me a picture. "Are you trying kill my ear drums!" I told her. She just laughed.
I had met Mia in kindergarten when she tried to steal my sandwich. I hit her and had to go to the time out corner. I had continued to eat my sandwich in the corner until she came over to apologize for trying to steal my sandwich and gave me half of her cookie. After that day we declared that we were best friends.

Today is the first day of school and this year we were juniors in high school!! I might not look like I'm a junior, but you know you can't control genetics. I have long blonde hair, brown eyes, and I am short. Mia is really the opposite of me, she is tall with brown hair and blue eyes. I have always said that she should model, but she has always said that models can't eat as much as they want. We have a really small group of friends it's just me, Mia, Lily, and Sara. We all met up in the hall before school started and compared our schedules. "I can't believe that I only have lunch with you guys!" I wailed in a stupid tone to Lily and Sara. "Well at least you have science and P.E with Mia!" They told me as I pulled out my phone to check the time. School was about to start so I said my goodbyes and started walking to my first period class.

I was looking down at my schedule to make sure I was going the right way when suddenly I bump into someone. I look up to see two mesmerizing bright blue orbs staring down at me for a split second. I mumble a quick "Sorry?" Before he pushes past me and says "Watch where you're going!" What a jerk!! It is his fault that he ran into me and he is going to make me late!! The bell rings as I collect myself and I now I'm late, shoot! I rushed into the classroom hoping that Mr. Smith won't notice that I'm late. "Why are you late to my class Ms. Stone?" Mr. Smith asked me in an angry tone. "I'm sorry Mr. Smith I dropped all of my things and had to pick them up." His expression softened "Please don't let it happen again." I nodded my head and walked to an empty seat.

This class is sooo boring! Mr. Smith keeps the same face the whole time and shows no sign of emotion when he is teaching. Right as I was about to doze off from boredom the door slams shut. I sat up and everyone looked at the door. In comes Mr. Matthew Moore, the most popular and arrogant guy in school. I roll my eyes in disgust, he is so cocky and full of him self. "Mr.Moore nice of you to join us" the teacher said in a sarcastic tone. "Please take a seat next to Ms. Stone." He walked over to the open seat next me and sat down. SERIOUSLY!! I get yelled at if I'm late, but if he is late it is totally fine!!

While I'm taking notes I hear "pssssst" 2 seconds later "pssssst" 2 more seconds "pssssst" I turn to him and yell whisper "What do you want?!?" " Can I have a piece of paper?" I hand him a piece of paper and he give me that smirk that apparently all the girls fall for. I go back to note taking, but a minute later I hear another "pssssst" 2 seconds "psssst" I snap my head in his direction "What do you want now?" "Can I have pencil?" I roll my eyes while handing him a pencil. "Do you need anything else?" I ask him in a annoyed voice. He thinks for minute and smirks. "How about a kiss right here?" He says pointing to his chiseled cheek with his dimples showing. Ewww! Who does he think I am? One of his little groupies? As if!!! I go back to taking notes trying to act like that didn't just happen.

After we were done taking notes, Mr. Smith started talking. "So now that you have taken notes on the different societies in American history, you and the person sitting next to you will build a model of what you think a perfect society would look like." I look around to see if anyone else sits next me. I swear that my head went in a full circle when I realised that I had to be partners with Matthew. I turn to face him in defeat and see that same smirk that I had seen too many times today. "So you never answered my question."

The picture at the top is a picture of Ella. I hope you liked the first chapter!!!

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