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Matthew's P.O.V

I race away from Ella right after I hear the doorbell ring. She seriously looked like she was going to kill me for eating her chocolate. I know she wasn't mad about me being shirtless because I could see her cheeks turn a cute shade of red when she saw me on the couch. I can't help but smile to myself, I think she is growing on me.

"Matthew you can't open-" Before she finishes her sentance, I open the door with my whole top half exposed. A smirk grows on my lips as I see who is standing at the door.

"Aiden!" Ella exclaims nervously looking at Aiden, who is in his baseball uniform and has a expression that is a mix of anger and confusion. She gently nudges me out of the doorway that I have been subconsiously blocking and lets him into the house. He walks in and she shuts the door behind him. I watch as they walk into the living room, Ella turns her head and glares at me. They sit down on the couch and he sinks into the cushions.

"Hey, umm Matthew don't you have to get dressed for baseball practice?" She say in a calm tone hinting that I should leave so they could have "privacy". I roll my eyes and spin on my heel. I hastily grab my baseball bag and head towards the downstairs bathroom, which just happens to be next to the living room. I close the door and press my ear to the inside of the door. I can hear Ella and Aiden talking in hushed tones to each other.

"Why is he at your house, wait better question. Why was he SHIRTLESS in your house!?!" Aiden wisper yells. I can just imagine his face right now, I bet it is all red and that one vein is popping out of his forhead. I cover my mouth to supress the laughter that was about to come out of my mouth.

"Aiden, calm down. He was just over here to finish the history project." She says reassuringly. I sigh and roll my eyes. I totally hate this dude.

"Okay, sure he was here working on the project, but why was he shirtless?" He states in a hostile voice. You can hear Ella sigh.

"I really don't know why he was shirtless, but just listen to me. I know you are very angry right now. I want you to know that I don't like him like that." She told him. I take my ear off the door, and shrug my shoulders trying to pretend that I didn't just hear what she said. I quickly change into my baseball uniform and burst out of the bathroom. I angrily gather my papers and shove it all in my backpack. I grab my keys and rush out and slam the door without even saying goodbye. I need to go and clear my head, I need to talk to Hunter.

Ella's P.O.V

Aiden never quite made it to baseball practice on monday. After Matthew's odd exit, we talked a bit more but we mostly watched movies and ate popcorn. It was nice we worked out all of the misunderstanding about Matthew and we are all good now.

The rest of the week went pretty well except the fact that Matthew practically ignored me the rest of the week. The only time he talked to me was on thursday when we presented our project. And even then he only said things about the project, not his usual witty banter.

Earlier today at lunch, I told Mia, Lily, and Sara that we needed to have a sleepover. So right now I am driving to the grocery store to buy all of the snacks for tonight. I drive around the parking lot and find a spot to park in.

As I walk into the store, I grab a basket and make a bee line for the chip isle. I stuff the basket full of almost every different kind of chip. I go get a 12 pack of soda and a jumbo bag of assorted mini candy bars. I also get a veggie tray because I always eat too much junk food so I usually just eat the whole veggie tray as all of my meals for the next day. By the end of my shopping my hands are super full and I barely make it to the checkout line. I recognize the the cashier from school, I think I had a class with him last year. A tall, tan, brown haired boy around my age with hazel eyes. I can't help but think that I know him from somewhere else.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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