Do You Like Corn Chips?

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The whole team rushes onto the field and lifts Matthew. The crowd started chanting ¨MATTHEW MOORE, MATTHEW MOORE!¨Through all of the chanting I yelled to Matthew, ¨GREAT JOB MATTHEW¨ His head turned and searched through the crowd and and once he found me he gave me a lopsided smile.

It took 20 minutes for all of the people to leave and then the team had to go and clean up in the locker room. I sat on a bench near the Boy's locker room and scrolled through Tumblr while waiting. They came out one by one and I must have waited for more than a half an hour for Aiden, but he still hasn't come out. While scrolling a shadow came over my body. I looked up and saw Matthew smirking. "You know, you don't have to wait for me." I rolled my eyes. "Don't you have some girl to go make out with?" He made a smug face. "Now that you remind me." He spins around and starts to walk away. I feel this burning sensation in my head and my stomach starts to churn. Why am I feeling like this, What am I feeling? He turns back around and starts to laugh. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Nah I don't have anyone, but you're welcome to make out with me anytime." And he's back to same old Matthew. "Again, I wouldn't kiss you like ever." I snap back. "Who would never kiss who?" Aiden says confused. He was dressed in khaki cargo shorts, black vans, and a black shirt. "Nothing, Are you ready to go?" He smiles and nods. "Bye, Matthew." Aiden bitterly said to Matthew as we walked away.

Matthew P.O.V

I turn back around to see Ella blushing. I walk back over to where she is sitting and think of something stupid to say. I mean that's how I flirt with her and I think it works? "Nah I don't have anyone, but you're welcome to make out with me anytime." I hold back a laugh when I see her face, she gets so bent when I say things like that. But she looks so cute when she gets flustered, so I keep saying them. "Again, I wouldn't kiss you like ever." She says in an angry voice. "Who would never kiss who?" Aiden walks out in his usual cargo shorts and t shirt. She instantly smiles and Aiden ruined my time with Ella......Again. She stands up with him and starts walking away, no goodbye just walks away. I could hear Aiden coldly yell "Bye, Matthew." They walk away laughing and having a good time. I won't let this happen again, I won't let Aiden take another girl away from me.

Aiden and I used to be best friends until the middle of Freshman year. I was dating this girl, Makenna Joy and She was the only girl I ever loved. We were going really strong or at least I thought until one night at party.


The music was pounding so loud that I could barely even think. There was sweaty bodies and half empty red cups everywhere. Even walking was a challenge, trying to squeeze through everyone. I wonder were Makenna is? She went off to the bathroom quite a long time ago. Maybe I should go and try to find her. I zig zagged through couples who were grinding on each other and finally made it to the stairs. I walked up the stairs and started looking in all of the rooms for Makenna. She's not in the bathroom, or downstairs. I open each door one by one and find nothing until I get to the room at the end of the hall. I open the door to see a scene that would forever break me.

Makenna was on top of Aiden while they were in the middle of a heated make out session. I gasped as they broke apart and looked at me horrified. I ran out of the room, down the stairs, out of the house, and drove away totally heated.

The next day, Makenna came and talked to me about the incident. She said that it wasn't anything that I did. She said that she fell out of love with me and in love with Aiden. She eventually moved from California to Arkansas later that year.

*End of Flashback*

Ever since the incident my friendship with Aiden has never been the same,meaning we are no longer friends. As for me, my look on relationships have changed all toghether. That's why I avoide attachment at all costs. But, with Ella there was this instant attraction to her. One that I couldn't ignore.

Ella's P.O.V

We just arrived at our local Mexican restaurant. I'm sooooo nervous right now!! On the ride here we talked about how our days went and the Baseball game. Aiden had reservations set for us, so a waiter lead us to a booth in the back of the restaurant. We sat down and I instantly started looking through the menu because I haven't eaten since lunch today. "So do you have any suggestions for me? I've never been here." His jaw drops. "You've never been here?!?" He exclaimed and I sheepishly shake my head. "Well if I were you, I would get the chimichangas. They are delicious!" I laugh at his enthusiasm. The waiter comes back to take our order. Aiden gets the chimichangas (no surprise there) so I get what Aiden got. The waiter took our menus and told us the food would be out soon. "So I still don't know you that well, do you want to play 20 questions?" He asked. " Sure, you start."
"What is your favorite food?"
"Cheesebuger, of course.......hmmmm?" I start to panicked, what do I say?!?"
"Do you like corn chips?" I blabber. He bursts out laughing and I join in. I also mentally slap myself, really Ella? Do you like corn chips? Could you have been anymore dorkier?
"If you insist on knowing, no I do not like corn chips."
Our food comes and I take a bite of the chimichanga. It's not as good as Aiden said it was. It was honestly kinda bad tasting. Good thing it came with rice and beans. The rest of the time at the restaurant we just talked about random things with some awkward silences in between. He drove me home and walked me up to the doorstep.

"I had a really good time tonight." He confessed and smiles. I don't know but I can't help but compare his smile to Matthew's. Aiden has this dull smile while Matthew has this half smile that just weirdly drives me crazy. "I had a good time tonight too." I told him. He starts to lean in and I know exactly what he is going for.

The picture is of Ella and Mia's phone cases!!!

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