Can You Not?!?

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"Well first of all, I would never kiss you and second of all, no. So, let just get this over with." I says to him in an annoyed tone. "I have to say that I'm hurt that you won't kiss me!" he wails in a girly voice and chuckles after. "Well since you want to get this over with" he puts air quotes around over. "Give me your number." I raised my eyebrows "To text you where we will be working on our project of course." he gives me a mischievous smirk. I reluctantly switch phones with him and while putting in my phone number in his phone, I get an idea. I go up to where my name goes in the contact and type in "The Girl That Hates You" We switch back phones and I go to look at his contact, but all I find is "Sexy Beast" with his photo next to it. I shake my head and smile. Then I hear a click and look up to see Matthew taking a picture of me. "What are you doing ?" I yell at him. "Taking a picture for your contact." He laughed and added "Oh and I love your contact name, it's soo lovely." I gave him a thumbs up and a cheesy smile. He stared at me and started to grin. "What?" I ask him. He shakes his head and smiles more "You just have a really pretty smile that's all. I feel myself start to blush, wait no!!Just as I was about to reply the bell rang and I ran off to my next class.

"YOU HAVE HIS NUMBER!!!!" Mia screeched at the lunch table. "Are you trying to tell the whole cafeteria?" She nodded and took a bite out of her hamburger. Lily and Sara sit down at the table with their lunches. "Ella has who's number?" They ask at the same time creepily. Before I could utter a word, Mia blurts out "ELLA HAS MATTHEW MOORE'S PHONE NUMBER!!" Their eyes bug out of their head. "How did you get it!!" Lily exclaimed. I told them the whole story about how I got and how IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL. I mean sure he is attractive, but he has the personality of a piece of poo.

While Lily was going on and on about some guy in her science class, I decided to scroll through tumble.
1 Mesage from Sexy Beast

Sexy Beast: "Come and sit with me"

The Girl That Hates You: "Only in your Dreams."

Sexy Beast: "Ahhh. I only know that I'm in your Dreams."

I felt my face flush in frustration. So I just stopped texting him because I honestly didn't know how to reply to that idiotic remark. Lunch was about over so I finished my sandwich and said goodbye to all my friends. I was walking to my locker when I heard footsteps behind me. I started to feel parnoid and picked up my pace, but so did the person behind me. I finally get to my locker and I let a breath of relief because I don't hear anymore footsteps. I collect all of my books, shut my locker, and turn around to come face to face with those same two bright blue orbs.

They first thing I do: scream. He clamps his hand over my mouth. "Wow for such small body you can scream real loud!" Matthew chuckled. I bit on his hand and he quickly removed it. "Ouch!! What was that for???" I scowled at him. "That's for scaring me to death! Why we're you following me?" He thinks for a minute and frowns "I forgot." I roll my eyes and mumble "idiot" under my breath. He pins me to the locker, "What did you say?" He whispers in my ear. He is so close to me, I can feel the heat radiating of him. I suddenly have a loss for words and feel my cheeks heat up. "Uh.....Nothing." He steps back and smirks. "That's what I thought." I curse myself in my head. Darn it Ella, why didn't you say something back. "I will meet you here after school, we are going to my house to work on our project." And with that he left, leaving me flustered and confused.

Just as he said, Matthew was there waiting for me at my locker after school. He grinned a big toothy smile when he saw me walking that way. "You came!" He exclaimed surprised. "Well it is my locker that you're standing in front of!" I added smartly. He rolled his eyes and motioned me to follow him, and I did. I got so tired of getting dirty looks from girls just because I was walking with Matthew. I swear if I could sell him to anyone I WOULD!

Matthew's house is really big, like REALLY big. We walked through the big wooden doors into a huge loft with a majestic staircase in the middle of everything. "Matthew is that you?" A woman yells. "Yea mom it's me." He yelled back to the woman. "Do you want a snack?" He asks. I nod my head, still amazed by everything. He leads me into his huge kitchen where he chucks his backpack onto the table and starts rummaging through the fridge. "Matthew stop going...... Who is this young lady?" I turn to see a woman around 45 stop in the doorway. Matthew spins around and starts talking "Mom this is Ella, we are working on a project together." Then he goes back to looking through the fridge. She smiles warmly at me. "Well if you kids need anything just call me, okay?" She insisted and walked out. Matthew tossed me a bag of goldfish and told me to sit down. An awkward silence settled over us, so I broke the ice and announced "Okay let's get started on this project.

As I was reading the instructions Matthew kept on kick in my foot under the table. After a while I got annoyed. "Can you not?!?" I exclaimed. He leaned in a little bit. "I don't know what you're talking about?" He claimed making an innocent face. "I would like you to stop kicking my foot!" He leaned in real close to my face and said. "Who's gonna make me?"

The picture at the top is what Matthew looks like!!

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