The plan

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I dialed Justin's number it rang a few times then he picked up the phone.

Justin: hello ?

Lani: Justin i need you here now !

Justin: why ?

Lani: no time for questions now just get here as fast as you can !

Justin: ok ill be there in a few.

Lani: ok love you Justin bye.

Justin: love you too bye.

Justin's pov. so i was watching Madea Goes To Jail and i got a call from Lani and she tells me that she needs me there fast so i jumped in my car and drove there as fast as i could and ran into her house.

Lani: dang Justin you are fast.

Justin: well you needed me so i came as fast as i could. i looked at her face and saw that she had a black eye and red cheeks. Lani who hit you i swear i will kill them.

Lani: its ok Justin.

Justin: no its not. someone put their hands on my bestfriend and they are going to pay.

Lani: well thats why i told you to come here. she pointed at mindless behavior.

Justin: am i crazy or is that mindless behavior in your house.

Lani: they came here to protect me.

Justin: from who ?

Lani: Chris........i could feel the rage building up inside of me.

Justin: so you mean to tell me that Chris is hitting you ?

Lani: yes. she started to cry and i held her in my arms.

Justin: dont cry sis you know i hate to see you hurt.

Lani: im sorry Justin.

Prince: so Justin we need to talk.

Justin: ok but about what.

Prince: about how you me, Prod, Roc, and Ray can protect her from Chris. we need to keep an eye on her for a while i cant risk her getting hurt again.

Justin: yea i know how you feel. but how will we keep an eye on her ?

Prince: well at school we need you to keep a close distance to her and possibly after school. we will try to be around her alot after school so that you can get a break and just because i love hanging out with her. Kaylani we need you to keep your phone with you at all times dont put it down ever and always check your pocket to make sure its there because if none of us are in sight and Chris comes and something happens you need your phone to contact one of us and if you dont have your phone you're screwed.

Lani: ok i got it.

Prince: alright. boys are you cool with hanging out with Lani ?


Justin: there's my sisters beautiful smile !

Lani: thank you guys for being here for me ! she gives us all hugs. i only met you guys today and you were still here for me i really do love you guys already !

Mindless Behavior: we love you too Lani !

Lani: and i love you too Justin ! you are like a big brother to me !

Justin: love you too Lani

Lani: you guys should spend the night yea ?

Justin: i cant tho

Lani: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ?

Justin: becauseeeeeeee i have to leave early in the morninggggg.

Lani: well you suck. what about you guys can you spend the night ?

Roc: i hope we can.

Prod: yea me too.

Ray: yea but whoever falls asleep first is getting pranked !

Lani: Ray if i fall asleep first and you prank me i will cut off your dick and feed it to you. understood ?

Ray: yes mama. ahahaha

Lani: ok so now that this is clear you guys have to ask.

Roc: i will ask for us i can normally get us what we want.

Lani: ok !

Justin: Lani why do you have to be so violent ?

Lani: if i knew i would tell you.

Justin: you're a mess Lani.

Lani: ahaha yea i know it happens. Justin we forgot about Cheyenne !

Justin: so what its not like she tells us stuff so why should we tell her stuff ?

Lani: she does tell us stuff all the time. you are just always zoned out when she starts talking.

Justin: oh my bad.

Lani: idiot.

Justin: hoe

Lani: what was that ?

Justin: nothing. she starts to chase me. MAMA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !

Lani: ahahaha you are too much for my life

Justin: i have that effect on alot of people.

Roc: we can stay over here !!!!!!!!

Lani: YAY !!!!! she jumps on Roc.

Roc: dang what do you eat ? you weigh more than Prod and his fat ass.

Prod: im not fat !

Roc: whatever you say !


Princeton: im thinking about stuff.

Roc: what kind of stuff ?

Princeton: the kind of stuff thats none of yo damn business.

Lani: you guys need to go get your stuff !!!!!!!!!

Prod: ok lets go boys !

All exept Prod: ok.

Roc: bye Lani.

Lani: bye roc. bye everyone ! they all leave so its just me and Lani here.

Justin: they are really cool.

Lani: yea i can tell us six will be close.

Justin: yea me too. but do you think we should tell Cheyenne ?

Lani: im not sure because knowing Cheyenne she will probably be fake and be fangirling im not sure its a good idea to tell her about this just yet and she will be trying to get with one or all of them.

Justin: true. maybe we just shouldnt tell her.

Lani: well on the other hand she is really sensetive so if we dont tell her she will be all butthurt and will most likely  never talk to us again so i think we should tell her on monday.

Justin: ok on monday then.

Friends with benefits ( a mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now