so much hate

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Jordans pov

i stood in the waiting room. the doctor walked out of Cheyenne's room.

Jordan: so is she ok?

Doctor: im not sure yet. she has only been in a coma for a few hours now.

Jordan: do you know when she will wake up?

Doctor: she should be up any minute.

Jordan: am i allowed to go into her room?

Doctor: yeah but she might not be awake for a while.

Jordan: thats fine. thank you. i walk into her room. she opens her eyes and squints.

Cheyenne: what the hell? where am i?

Jordan: youre in the hospital bitch.

Chey: why am i in the hospital?

Jordan: because you thought it would be a good idea to crash into my car just because i took your diary.

Cheyenne's pov

i look down.

Chey: listen nigga i suggest that if you want to be safe that you give it back and act like you never read it.

Jordan: you think you scare me? he laughs.

Chey: im serious.

Jordan: the worst thing you can do to me is tell people you are dating me and that obviously wont happen.

Chey: you know that you like me you dont have to pretend.

Jordan: bitch i dont like you. you arent even my friend. plus i like someone else.

Chey: who?

Jordan: dont act like you dont know. i think about it and then my blood starts to boil.

Chey: you like that bitch? out of everyone in the school you like Kaylani?!?!?

Jordan: well yeah. whats not to like about her?

Chey: shes fake as hell. she pretends to be your bestfriend and then she take all the attention away from you.

Jordan: she doesnt try to do that and you are a terrible friend. theres something that you dont know about Kaylani.

Chey: and what would that be?

Jordan: that she was probably the best friend that you ever had. that she always stood up for you. everyone always talked shit on you and guess who stood up to them? Lani. who was there for you when your uncle died? Lani. who beat your boyfriends ass when she found out he cheated on you? Lani. who always cleaned your house for you when you didnt want to? Lani. who took you shopping because your parents didnt have enough money to take you? Lani. and there is more things than that. she does alot for you.

Chey: those are small things. i know for a fact that she hasnt done one really big thing for me.

Jordan: but those are big things. and yes she has done big things.

Chey: name one thing.

Jordan: i cant tell you.

Chey: exactly. thats because you cant think of anything.

Jordan: you know what bitch im going to tell you. so you remember how you were dating Hunter right?

Chey: yeah what about him?

Jordan: well he tried to hit on Kaylani and she rejected him and when he asked why she said because you were her bestfriend. he fucking tried to rape her but she got free. then he thought that you were getting in the way so he was gonna kill you. so she had sex with him just to save your life even though she had a boyfriend. she did this 2 or 3 months ago. Cheyenne she did this for you even after you took Roc from her. and when this happened you were going behind her back and fucking princeton. tears started forming in my eyes.

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