my 2 new friends.

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The next day Lani's pov

so its really early in the morning and i know that Chris likes to go to the park early in the morning so i did my hygiene and went to the park and just like i thought i saw Chris there. his back faced me and i walked up to him.

Lani: hey Chris. he turned around and looked at me.

Chris: oh hey Kaylani.

Lani: how have you been ?

Chris: not that good but im hanging in there.

Lani: i can tell that something is on your mind. you wanna talk about it ?

Chris: Lani listen im really sorry for all the shit i put you through. i love you and i really mean that but i havent really been myself lately and i feel horrible for everything.

Lani: Chris i know that you have been on drugs and i know that  you didnt tell me because you didnt want me to worry about you. trust me i understand but its not good for you to take them. im not sure why you did take them in the first place but it completely changed you in a terrible way. you became so violent and hurt me all the time. i was so worried about you but at the same time i was scared of you.

Chris: yea i know. i really wish that this never happened. Lani the reason why i took them was because of my family and school. my family was broken up completely and it was really hard for me. then i started getting high and drunk to ease the pain and i skipped school all the time. then when i went back to school it was hard because my friends were giving me a hard time and i didnt understand the work because i wasnt there to learn it. so i dropped out of school and became a drug addict. that made me a violent person who tried to get anything i wanted. and i wanted you to always be with me so i hurt you. i wish i didnt because im pretty sure you hate me but im getting better now.

Lani: awwwww Chris just remember that im here to help but if you hurt me one more time im gonna hurt you back worse than you ever hurt me. im here to help you whenever you need me ok. i grab his phone and put my number in it. call or text me when you need me. just please dont do anything to me or my friends. oh yea and dont kill Roc. we arent even dating anymore. im not even friends with him right now.

Chris: i got you Kaylani. and thanks for being here even after all the things i put you through.

Lani: no problem. bye Chris.

Chris: bye Lani. i walk back to my house and call Prince.

Prince: hello

Lani: Prince i need to talk to you and all the boys right now.

Prince: well they all spent the night so i guess you can come over now.

Lani: ok i will be over really soon.

Prince: ok bye.

Lani: bye. i walked upstairs into Aarons room.

Aaron: Lani what do you want ?

Lani: im leaving.

Aaron: ok bye. dont wake me up in the morning anymore just let me sleep or text me.

Lani: ahaha ok bye. i walk downstairs and out the front door over to Prince's house i open the front door.

Ray: ok dont knock or anything.

Lani: why should i ? Prince knew i was coming.

Prod: i think Ray has a point.

Lani: i dont. where is Prince ?

Prod: upstairs want me to get him ?

Lani: no i got this. PRINCE GET YOUR BLACK MEXICAN ASS DOWN HERE !!! Prince walks downstairs.

Friends with benefits ( a mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now