hes back.

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Lani: Prince this cant be happening.

Prince: Kaylani dont freak out.

Lani: what am i going to do. oh shit !!!!!!

Prince: what ?

Lani: ok so i know he found out about how i was dating Roc but i dont think he knows we broke up. Prince Chris might try to kill Roc.

Prince: oh shit i didnt think of that. well we should invite all of the boys over to talk to them about this.

Lani: i will call Justin. he is with Ray right now.

Prince: i will call Prod and Roc.

Lani: ok. we call them and they are there really soon because we told them it was an emergency.

Prod: so whats the emergency ?

Lani: Chris is out of jail and looking for me. he probably thinks that im still dating Roc so he will for sure go after him and he will go after Justin because he told Justin to stay away from me or bad things will happen. he will go after Prince because Prince beat him up. and i dont know about Ray and Prod because they didnt really do anything so yea.

Justin: so what are we gonna do about that ?

Lani: we have to make a plan to take him down.

Prince: i have an idea.

Ray: tell us.

Prince: ok so you know how he follows her around outside right ?

Justin: yea.

Prince: ok so how about she "bumps into him" and says that she wants him back. then when he agrees she will say that she has to go and tells him to go over her house the next day for some "fun" if you know what i mean. he wont know it but we will all be waiting for him at her house. and when he comes over she will go to the kitchen to get water and we will all go into the living room and sit there. then she comes back in the room and says guess what we are back together. we will pretend that we are ok with it then when he least expects it BAM ! hes out.

Prod: wow you have a very twisted mind.

Prince: yea i know. so what do you guys think of that ?

Lani: lets do it. i like that plan its really good.

Ray: i agree.

Justin: im down.

Prod: me too.

Roc: im not too sure about this.

Lani: come on Roc. tell me one reason we shouldnt.

Roc: its dangerous.

Lani: well so is not doing anything at all. sometimes you need to take a risk in life to safe your life Roc.

Roc: ok i guess im in.

Lani: is it ok if i add a few people to the plan ?

Prince: sure if you want to.

Lani: thanks babe.

Justin: hold the fuck up !!!!! babe ? when the hell did this happen ????

Lani: you tell me.

Justin: Kaylani dont be like that. just tell me.

Lani: no.

Ray: anyways Lani you need to hurry and contact these people you want in the plan. they have to be contacted by the end of the week.

Lani: Ray trust me they will be contacted by tomorrow.

Ray: they better be.

Lani: i really hate Chris for all the shit he put me through.

Prod: we can all tell Lani.

Lani: i just want him to die. thats it. i dont give one fuck about him anymore.

Justin: oh trust me he will die.

Lani: since when did you become violent ?

Justin: since always.

Lani: i didnt know that. anyways im gonna go home. i have thinking to do and i have people to call so yea. bye everyone i love you all. i walk out the door and start walking to my house. i start thinking about Chris. he used to treat me so well he was so perfect for me i wonder what happened. i think back to everything that i noticed at his house. i think i got it now. he is a drug addict. he told me he didnt do drugs and that they were his moms drugs laying around the house but now that i think of it i think that he took his moms drugs and she was high so she didnt even notice. that must be why he got so violent with me. i remember the first time he got violent with me.


Chris told me to go over to his house because he wanted to see me but i didnt know that he was high he was acting normal at first but then i had to leave becasue Aaron told me to come home.

Lani: baby i have to leave my brother wants me home.

Chris: bitch you arent going anywhere.

Lani: but my brother told me that i have to.

Chris: i dont give a fuck what your brother wants you to do. you are with me right now so you arent leaving until i say you are so sit the fuck back down.

Lani: Chris why are you acting like this ?

Chris: maybe i dont wanna be nice anymore. maybe i want to take charge of my bitch instead of letting her do whatever the fuck she wants.

Lani: Chris im leaving. bye.

Chris: Kaylani get the fuck back over here now.

Lani: hell no. im leaving bye nigga. he got up and pulled me by my arm.

Chris: bitch what the fuck did i just tell you. he slaps me in the face. and you better not talk to me like that again.

Lani: ok baby im sorry i promise i wont. tears start falling down my face.

Chris: baby i will be right back ima get some water.

Lani: ok. he walks out of the room. i open and close the front door quietly then i run home as fast as i can. i was never so scared of someone i loved before.

End of flashback

maybe all he needs is help. maybe i should try to help him and if that doesnt work or he says he not on drugs im going through with the plan.

wow Kaylani. just wow. i wouldnt help him if i were her. what will happen ? will their plan even work ? will Chris get killed ? will Chris kill someone ?????? idk i guess you will just have to wait for the next chapter to be updated. i will update as soon as i can it should be done in 3 days at the most.

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