oh no

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1 week later Lani's pov

So i was sitting down in my living room watching tv and Prince texted me.

Prince: hey babe can you come over ?

Lani: hold on let me ask Aaron. Aaron was upstairs so i yelled to him. AARON CAN I GO TO PRINCE'S HOUSE ?


Lani: yea i can go Prince.

Prince: k. hurry tho i have something really important to tell you.

Lani: ok i will. i know what you are thinking. you are most likely thinking when the hell did this happen ? what the fuck is going on here so im gonna tell you how we started dating.


i was walking home from school when two guys cam out of the bushes and attacked me. Prince run up to them and beat them while i was crying.

Prince: Lani are you ok ?

Lani: i dont know. he gives me a huge hug and kisses me.

Prince: everything will be ok Lani.

Lani: Prince im so scared im pretty sure that they were sent to get me by Chris. im not sure if Chris is even out of jail yet but i know he sent them.

Prince: i will protect you from them ok. i promise you that i will.

Lani: Prince i love you.

Prince: i love you too. Lani would you please be mine. i really like you alot and i want you to be mine and only mine.

Lani: yes i will be yours. i feel really safe around you.

Prince: good because im here to protect you. he kisses me and walks me home.

End of flashback

i walked over to his house and rang the doorbell. he answered the door and gave me a huge hug.

Lani: so what is so important that you have to tell me ?

Prince: Kaylani Chris is out of jail and looking for you.

ok so i didnt have time to make this a long one because i am really busy right now but i will for sure make another chapter and post it later today. anyways so is Chris gonna find Kaylani ? what will happen to her and her friends ? what will he do when he realizes that Justin is still hanging out with her ? will Chris kill someone ? will Prince kill someone ? what will Roc, Ray, Prod, and Justin do ?

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