Chapter 8

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Will starts to think about what Lexi said. How can someone turn evil.

"That's impossible," says Kyle.

"That's what I saw," Lexi says.

"Maybe she doesn't predict the future and what happened today was just a coincidence," says Janet.

"Plus what if we can't trust this girl?" Asks Mike.

"Mike," says Kyle.

"This bitch just got here!" Exclaims Mike.

"Shut up," says Hannah.

Lexi glares at Mike and sends a force field at him making him fly against the wall.

Jace and the professor run over to Mike to help him up.

"Lexi out!" Exclaims the professor.

"He ticked me off!" Exclaims Lexi.

"Out!" Screams the professor.

"I'm gonna go with her," Hannah whispers to Will.

"Okay," says Will.

Hannah runs behind Lexi walking out of the office.

"Now is not the time to turn on each other," says the Professor.

"What are we gonna do about Lexi's vision?" Asks Kyle.

"For now no one leaves this mansion!" Exclaims the professor.

Will looks at the professor. He wants to know more about Ty and Amber and who they are.

"Professor no!" Exclaims Will, "We need to go out there and find Ty and Amber."

"Don't worry about them, I'm sure they won't come back," says the Professor.

Will couldn't believe what the professor said. Of course they will come back.

"You can be serious," says Will.

"I have made my decision," says the professor.

"No!" Exclaims Will.

"Will listen to him," says Mike.

Will glares at Mike and pushes him.

"I've had enough of your....."

Will's eyes turn black and stands there still.

"That should keep him quite," says the Professor.

"What if they do come back?" Asks Janet.

"Then we kill them just like we did Paul," he answers.

"This is stupid," mutters Jace.

"What?" Asks the professor.

"Nothing! I have to go check on Nicki," he says leaving the room slamming the door behind him.

Janet wraps her arms around Kyle's waist and rests her head on his shoulder.

"Professor, I suggest you watch out for Will and Lexi. The new ones are always the suspicious ones," he says.

The professor looks at Will as he stands there frozen still.

"Don't make any assumptions yet," he says, "You all can go."

Mike, Kyle, and Janet walk out of the room. The professor sits there looking at Will. He stands there as still as a tree. The professor waves his hand.

"......... Crap!" Exclaims Will, "Wait where is everyone?"

"They left to do better things," says the professor, "Leave!"

Will walks out of the room in anger. Why would the professor not let them leave the mansion at all! He goes up to his room and sits on his bed. He wants to know who Ty and Amber are. How do they know his name? Will looks at the clock and sees that it's 11:00 pm. He takes off his clothes and puts on pajamas. Kyle walks in the room.

"What's going on with you?" Asks Kyle folding his arms.

"The professor is being unreasonable! Ty and Amber are out there and could destroy the whole city!" He exclaims.

"I'm sure that..." Will cuts him off.

"They had freaking robots Kyle!" He exclaims.

Kyle just looks at Will.

"Just wait and see what happens," Kyle says.

Will gets into the covers and lays down.

How could the professor be so stupid Will thinks about. He closes his eyes.

All the sudden Will hears a scream. He shoots his head up.

"What the heck was that?" Asks Will.

"I have no idea but we better check it out," Kyle says.

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