Chapter 16

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They walk into the city where everyone starts running. The eight of them walk through them. Ty stands there with a dozen of robots.

"Welcome Xmen," says Ty smiling.

The robots are flying around into the buildings grabbing money.

"Stop this now," says Kyle.

"Attack!" Yells Ty as dozens and dozens of robots come charging at them.

Mike runs into the crowd of robots straight to Ty. Lexi and Kyle trie to hold hem back with force fields and his telekinesis. Nicki summons skeletons to run into the crowd of robots. Will flies above to get a better view.

The robots start running into more buildings. Will flies into a bank and finds more robots breaking the walls. He tries to set them on fire but nothing happens to them.

"Why do they have to be fire proof!" Will thinks to himself.

He just charges at them with a knife. He stabs it into one of them but the robot just takes it out. He shoots a laser towards Will but he dodges in time. Janet comes running into and freezes there feet to the ground. They laser the ice off their feet.

Ty walks into the bank with a robot holding Mike walking behind him.

"What's the money for?" Asks Will.

"Research," says Ty.

"What kind of research?" Asks Janet.

"I don't need to be answering these stupid questions," says Ty, "Let's just say it's gotta do something with your nemeses back in the day."

"Who?" Asks Janet.

"Paul," answers Ty.

The robots flies out carrying them out.

Janet and Mike scream as they go flying in the air. Will kicks the robot and Will flies.  Kyle runs underneath trying to help. Will attacks one robot and it drops Janet then the other drops Mike. Kyle levitates hem preventing them from hitting the ground. They make it to he ground safely.

Hannah and Jace run over.

"Are you guys okay?" Asks Hannah.

"Yeah we're fine," says Will.

Ty walks out of the bank to the road.

"Leave now!" Exclaims Ty.

They all just stand there surrounding him.

"You all think it's right to one! Well it's not! I have more robots!" He exclaims as more and more appear out of no where. Ty quickly gets into a car and drives off.

"We need to follow him!" Exclaims Jace.

"None of us are sixteen yet though!" Exclaims Hannah.

Kyle just gets into the front seat of a bus. "Oh well," says as he finds the key still in he engine.

They all get in on the bus and follow Ty.

"He's turning right!" Exclaims Jace. Kyle does a sharp right making everyone fall to the side.

Hannah falls on top of Will.

"Sorry," she says.

"It's fine," he replies.

The emergency exit doors break open in the back of the bus. They all look to see that it's one of the robots. It throws a machete and hits a sit that Nicki is in. It goes into the seat just a few inches away from her face. She summons a few skeletons and they charge for the robot.

Jace splashes water towards the robot making it slip on the floor.

"Get out!" Screams Lexi as she pushes a force field into the robot making it all out. All the sudden the bus comes to a stop and they all go flying towards the front.

Will hits his head on one of the seats.

"Everyone look," says Kyle as they all look towards the front to see what's going on.

Ty walks out of the car and makes the ground where the bus is go up and it goes flying.

Lexi puts a force field around the bus as they all go flying.

"Everyone hold on!" Exclaims Mike and they all go to the ground.

Will looks up to see that everyone is still okay. He looks out the window and Ty comes walking towards the bus. He sets the road on fire blocking Ty from coming any closer.

"We need to get out of here!" Will exclaims.

"Hannah teleport us back to the mansion," says Kyle.

"What about the plane?" She asks.

"Just do it!" Kyle exclaims.

The bus teleports and they all lookout side to see that the bus is in front of the mansion.

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