New Beginnings

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2 Corinthians 5:17  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

"Girls, are you ready?" my mother yelled from the bottom of the stairwell. Today was the first day at my new school. I walked down the stairs with my bag in tow. To my mother's dismay, I was wearing a pair of black converse, a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie. "Honey, why are you wearing a sweater. It's boiling outside." she said with concern.

"It might be cold inside the school, better safe than sorry," I said. You may be wondering why I'm wearing a hoodie in the 95 degree weather. Well I'm going to take it off once I get to my new school to show off my new Alice Cooper t-shirt. See I've been secretly listening to rock music for two years now, something I have been forbidden to do. My family is really religious, so I have to abide by all their stupid rules. So that means no pre-marital sex, no revealing outfits, and certainly no rock and roll music. If my father found out, he would flip. You do not want to see him when he's angry.

"That's very sensible honey. But you've forgot something very important," my mother exclaimed. I looked at her with confusion. "You forgot your smile" she said with glee "The best accessory a young lady can have is a smile." I answered by dawning a cheesy, fake smile across my face, a response I knew all too well.

Soon my sisters Mary-Katherine and Chloe descended down the staircase. Both dawned in their freshly bought uniforms. I am so glad I don't have to wear those anymore. My sisters are very much the typical try-hard, ass-kissing, goodie-two shoe Christian girls. Members of the celibacy club, A+ students, star athletes. Makes me want to throw up. "Good morning mother, and how are you on this blessed morning?" Mary-Katherine said dawning her perfect smile. She is so fake.

"I am doing well. How are you girls doing?"

"Super," they both said in unison.

Just as they said that, my father came in from the living room. "Good morning girls. All ready for your first day at school?" He said

"Yup, we are!" my sister Chloe cheerfully.

"I'm glad. Let's pray." he said as we all joined hands and stood in a circle. "Dear God, thank you for all that you've blessed us with. Please bless my daughters, Mary-Katherine, Lilith and dear Chloe with an amazing first day of school and a blessed school year. I hope they have fun, meet lots of new friends, but most importantly learn a lot. Amen." He said and then we dispersed. He gave us all hugs and we headed off to the car.

"Excited for your first days?" My mother said

"I'm so excited for my first year!" Chloe said.

"I am super excited for my 5th and final year at Covenant. I can't wait," says Mary-Katherine with a fake smile on her face.

"What about you Lilith?"

"Not really. I'm sort of nervous," which was true, I mean, it's my first day at a new school. I mean, my best friends go there, but it's the other kids I worry about. After my experience at Covenant (also known as my personal living hell) I think it's going to be difficult.

"Don't worry Lil, you'll have a good time." she said. She dropped my sisters off and then me. "Have fun sweetie, make smart choices. Love you."

"I will mom, love you too." I said as I left the car. I met with my friends, got my schedule and headed to my first two classes. While I was sitting in my first class, my brother Adam sent me a message.

Adam: Hey sis, how's your first day going? I miss you so much.

My brother Adam was banished from the family six years ago. My father found out that he was doing a lot of 'ungodly' things. Listening to rock music, dating a girl. Since then he has finished his education and has been travelling the world   I have been secretly talking to him on Facebook for six months.

Me: My day is boring so far. Where are you right now. 

Adam: Arizona. I saw the Grand Canyon yesterday!

He sent me a selfie of him at the Grand Canyon. I miss him so much. I looked up to him so much. We used to do everything together, despite the 11 year age gap.  He used to bring me into his room we'd hang out, watch movies and listen to rock music together. That of course, came with a price. I was to promise not to tell my father about the meeting, if I did, he'd have a conniption. I'm surprised it took him so long to find out. But either way, I'm glad that Adam's out and doing his own thing. He seems to be happy and thriving with his new girlfriend. I just have to be careful to make sure my father doesn't find out that I've been talking to him, or else I'll be kicked out. Unlike Adam, I'll have no where to go.

My day was  pretty boring and uneventful. I opened the door of the school and the sweltering Florida heat engulfed me. My friends Nat, Harper, Ethan and I sat on the bus home, exchanging schedules and talking about our new teachers. The three of them live on my street and we grew up playing together. We've been friends ever since. We all have a love for music and all play some sort of instrument. I grew up playing piano and I recently picked up the guitar. My friend Ethan plays guitar, Harper plays bass and Nat plays the drums. We have jam sessions every once in a while, I'll go over to their houses but they can never come over to mine and play music. My parents don't like any "ungodly" music being played in our house.

I finally reached my house, to find no one was home. Dad was at the chapel working, mum was at the grocery store and my sisters were on their commute back from school. I could finally relax.

The relaxation was short-lived. Soon enough my family piles in the house and we prepared for dinner. We started with a prayer in which I faked my way through. Then we began to eat and exchange anecdotes from our day.

"Hey Lil, do you remember Abigail McDonald and Bethany Aarons? They were wondering where you went, they
really missed you" My sister Mary-Katherine said

"Mary, you do realize that Abigail and Beth used to bully me, right?"

"No from what I remember, you guys were really good friends."

"Yeah we were. Keyword: WERE. Then they started bullying me." I snapped back.

"I think you're overreacting Lil. They're so nice, I don't see them doing that to you or anyone for that matter."

"Mary, I can't believe you just said that to me. You are so insensitive." I stood up, yelling at her.

"Girls, calm down!" my mother said to both of us. We finished the rest of our dinner in silence. I went up to my room and put on Marilyn Manson's Holywood and closed my eyes. This album reminded me of my brother I wish Adam was here and not Mary-Kate I thought to myself. I can't believe my own sister would say that to me. She's such a pretentious little bitch. Why isn't she ever on my side? I thought to myself. Then I fell asleep.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Trust me, next chapter will be much more interesting. ;)

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