Date with The Antichrist

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Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

My school day was pretty uneventful. Course briefs, cheesy ice-breaker games, mindless scrolling through tumblr. As the day progressed, it came closer and closer to my meeting with Brian. Naturally, my nervousness grew along with it. Were my friends right? Was it really a date? I wish I could talk to Adam about it, but I think he wouldn't approve of it, despite the fact that he adored Manson as a teen.

"Good luck on your date babe!" Harper said, hugging me tightly. "Don't get lost again, alright?"

"Haha, very funny." I said.

"Go get 'em," Nat exclaimed.

I said my goodbyes and I was on my way.

I got to the coffee place fifteen minutes  early so I decided to walk around the plaza a bit. I got a text from Nat,

Nat: How's it going?

Me: He's not here yet.

Nat: Maybe he stood you up.

Just then, I heard a deep, sultry voice from behind me, "Get lost again?" He said laughing.

"No, I was just walking around waiting for you to get here." I said.

"I know, I'm just kidding. C'mon, let's go inside." He said putting his arm around my shoulder and we went in. I texted Nat.

Me: Nevermind, he's here.

Nat: Alright, have fun on your DATE. ;)

Me: Oh fuck off. :P

"Who are you texting?" Manson asked  curiously while looking over my shoulder. He had a smirk on his face which made me think maybe he saw the messages.

"Oh sorry about that. My friend was just checking up on me." I said nervously.

"No worries. I understand." He said in a comforting tone. Yet the smirk was still there.

We ordered our drinks and sat down.

"So how was your day?" He said.

"Boring," I said taking a sip of my Java Chip Frappuchino. "What about you?"

"Not too eventful, I wrote a bit, painted a bit." He said shrugging. "Enough about me, tell me more about yourself Lilith."

"Well... What do you want to know?" I said, I really suck at talking about myself.

"Everything." He said, looking into my eyes deeply. He made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Um," my cheeks turned red, "I grew up in a really Christian household. I was pretty much forbidden to listen to anything considered 'ungodly', but eventually I rebelled."

"How would your parents feel if they knew you were hanging around with the antichrist?" He said deeply.

"They'd probably kick me out. But they're not going to find out."

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