The Reunion

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Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe"

I sat in my big brother's room while he blasts Green Day from his speakers, I sit on his bed reading comic books. The rest of our family is out and asked Adam to babysit me. The cd ended and he turned to me, "So Lil I'll let you choose the next CD. Pick which ever one you want." He said. I looked through his stack of secret CDs, Green Day, Blink 182, Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, Aerosmith. "Who's that?" I said pointing to the Antichrist Superstar album. "That's Marilyn Manson," he said to me,

"Is she a girl?" I asked to him with curiosity in my young voice.

"No he's a boy."

"Oh, ok. Can we listen to this then?"

"Hm, maybe when you're a bit older. How about we listen to Alice Cooper?"

"Ok." Just then, our parents and siblings came home. Panic grew quickly on Adam's face. It was unsettling seeing someone who I thought was invincible, being afraid.  He quickly scrambled to hide his comics and CDs under his bed. He then moved close to my face and looked me in the eyes. As a 5 year old with a short attention span, I looked away.

"Lil," he said, putting his hand under my chin. "Look at me." I looked at him and saw the fear in his eyes. I then understood the severity of the situation and decided to remain attentive. "Promise me you won't tell Mom and Dad."

"I promise."

"Alright, good. It'll be our little secret then."

I woke up from my vision to find that their were five minutes left of class. I put all my stuff in my bag and made my way to my locker to grab any things I might need over the weekend. So glad today's a half-day. My phone vibrated in my front pocket. I took it out to find I had a text message from Adam:

Adam: I'm heading out now, let me know when you get there. I can't wait to see you.

I started getting nervous. Today's the day. The day where I reunite with my brother. This is more nerve-wracking than my meeting with Marilyn. I am sort of scared to see him after all these years. Is he still the same way I remember him?  I headed out of the school building and headed on the bus. Naturally, I played the only appropriate song to play on a Friday: School's Out by Alice Cooper.

Me: I'm on the bus right now. Can't wait to see you too.

I sat on the bus for a few minutes listening to the sweet serenades of Mister Alice Cooper when I received another text message from Marilyn.

Marilyn: Hey, what are you up to today?

Me: I'm on my way to lunch with my brother.

Marilyn: The brother who got kicked out?

Me: That would be the brother.

Marilyn: Are you free later on? I really want to see you.

Me: I'd love to see you. Just give me the time and place and I'll be there.

Marilyn: I'll come pick you up around 4. You know, so you don't get lost again. ;)

Me: You'll never let me live that down, will you?

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