Atom of Eden

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1 Samuel 15:23 "For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king."

I woke up at 6:30am and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I feel incredibly fatigued from last night, nothing a little caffeine won't fix. The memories of last night quickly fill my head, it's surreal. Maybe I dreamt it. I checked my phone, as I do every morning, and saw I had a Facebook message from Adam.

Adam: Hey sis, I'm going to be  coming into Fort Lauderdale on Friday, I'm going to be looking for an apartment. I would love to get lunch and catch up with you in person. Let me know if you're up for it :).

Me: Hey, just got your message, I'd love to grab lunch with you. Is Friday afternoon good?

He didn't reply, then I remembered there's a two hour time difference. I got up, made myself some cereal and coffee, and got ready for the day. I put the idea of Marilyn out of my mind, it was probably a dream.

I put on my usual natural looking makeup, to try not to get in trouble. Minimal eyeshadow, small winged liner and mascara. I put a tube of red lipstick in my bag to apply at school. I got dressed in my typical attire and cascaded down the stairs.

"You look beautiful this morning, Lilith." My mother said. "Although I would love to see you in one of those lovely dresses I bought you once in a while."

"I will, I will. Don't worry."  I said and gave her a hug goodbye. I tried to sneak out as swiftly as possible to avoid morning prayer. My father stopped me at the door. Shit.

"Lilith, where are you going? We haven't had our morning prayer yet." He said in a stern, soft tone. My parents rarely raised their voices. They were basically the Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar of Fort Lauderdale.

"Sorry dad, how could I forget?"

"That's no problem Lily," he said as I cringed, I hated being called that. It brought back bad memories. "Alright, let's join hands and pray." He said grabbing my sister Chloe and my hands as we joined in a circle. He said a prayer, while I zoned out. Then we dispersed. I promptly left the house as I knew my friends were waiting for me. I met up with them at the curb and we all walked to school. As I was walking with them I felt my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was from an unknown number.

Unknown number: Hey it's Marilyn, are you free today? I'd like to hang out with you after you finish school. Maybe we could grab a coffee or something?

I gasped.

"Lilith? Is everything ok?" Ethan said.

"Did I tell you guys about what happened last night?"

"No, what happened?" Nat replied.

"So basically after I left you guys, I kinda got lost on my way home."

"You fucking idiot, continue." Harper said jokingly.

"So I was trying to find my way home, and I had this strange feeling I was being followed."

"Omg bae no," Nat said.

"Let me finish." I said laughing. "So I turned around and there he was."


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