Fated, Faithful or Fatal

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Psalm 27:4 "One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple."

I made my way home and, naturally went into my room and relaxed for a while. Then I got a text from Manson.

Marilyn: I can't wait to see you.

Me: Aw I can't wait to see you too! What are we doing tonight?

Marilyn: Well, I thought maybe you could come over to my place and we could hang out.

I immediately panicked. Oh my god. What does that mean?! I've heard horror stories from my friends about guys asking them to come over to 'chill'.

Me: Sounds good.

I am freaking out internally. But I can't pass up this opportunity. I mean, maybe I'm just overreacting. I decide to pull out the old guitar and start messing around on it. G, Dadd11, Em7, Am, Em7. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 4:10. Crap. Manson's supposed to pick me up. I quickly scrambled to get my things together and made my way to my front door. I then got a text from Manson.

Marilyn: I'm here.

"Bye mom! I'm going to Harper's for dinner!" I yelled to her.

"Ok sweetie," she said from her reading nook.

Me: I'm on my way out of the house, where is your car?

Marilyn: In front of your neighbour's house.

I went outside my house and saw Manson's car. I saw him looking down at his phone, waiting for me. He looked up and waved at me as I walked closer to his car. He seemed a bit nervous.

"Hey," he said as I got into the car. "How did the meeting with your brother go?"

"It went well." We had mundane conversation all the way to his place. We got to his luxury apartment complex and he got out of the car to open the door for me. Eep. We took the elevator up to his suite.

"Here is my humble abode." He said as he opened the door to his apartment. It had a very dark colour scheme, mostly Crimson, dark purples and blacks. A very gothic looking apartment. It screamed Marilyn Manson.

"Wow," I said. It was breathtaking.

"Sit," he said motioning to the couch. I awkwardly sat down on his big, black couch. He made his way to the kitchen, and I sat there silently. This is so weird. He emerged from the kitchen carrying two shot glasses and a bottle of absinthe. He sat beside me and poured the green liquid into the glasses and handed one to me.

"Ahh I'm scared!" Shit, did I really say that out loud?

"Haha you're scared? You'll be fine." He said as he placed the shot glass to his lips and looked me in the eyes, signalling me to do the same. We both downed the bitter green liquid in unison. It tasted terrible. A look of disgust grew on my face which made Marilyn burst into laughter.

"First timer I see," he said. I felt so embarrassed and I blushed. He sensed my embarrassment and pulled me close. "It's ok. You'll get used to it." I realized how close our bodies now were to each other and my blush grew stronger. Then he got up. "Do you want some water or something? To get rid of the taste."

"A water would be nice," I said. How stupid of me to take a drink offered from a strange man, but I don't care. He came back and handed me a glass of cold ice water. I thanked him and he sat down beside me once again. He wrapped his arm around me, just like I've seen in the movies. I tensed up, I could tell he had something in mind. I wasn't very informed when it comes to sex, as health class wasn't a thing at a Christian school, and I sure as hell didn't get that information from my bible-pushing parents.

"Relax," he said, noticing that I was nervous. He pulled me closer and sat up and hid my face in my hands to hide my anxiety. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just really nervous."

"I can tell. Look, I know you have feelings for me, and I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you too."



"Oh," I said. Manson pulled me into a big hug and I hid my embarrassed face in his chest.

"You're so cute." he said. and pressed his crimson lips to the top of my head. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah sure." He ordered us a pizza and we decided to watch The Exorcist. That movie was forbidden from my house, as they believed if you watched it, you'd be possessed by the devil. We settled in and started watching it. As the movie progressed, I began to get more and more frightened. I have never seen anything like that before. One part in the movie caused me to shriek, which startled Marilyn.

"You ok Lilith?"

"Yeah, I was just caught off guard."

"Don't worry," he said pulling me close, "I'll keep you safe."

I laid on his chest as he stroked my hair. I instantly felt calmer. As we laid there, the pizza guy came. Manson had to get up to answer the door. From what seemed like an eternity, he came back with a hot box of pizza. We quickly ate and went back to cuddling. The movie slowly but surely got more and more disturbing. But I managed to maintain my composure because he managed to comfort me. The movie finished and we sat there for a few minutes.

"So, what did your brother say about him getting kicked out?"

"Well he said it was a few different reasons. My parents found out he was... having sex his girlfriend and doing hard drugs."

"So you're telling me he got kicked out for fucking his girlfriend and doing drugs? Shit."

"Yeah, he's cleaned up though."

"Well that's good." he said sympathetically. I looked at the time and it was 8:40. My curfew is at 9.

"I... I should get going. My parents are going to be expecting me home soon." I shot up

"So early?" he said. "Sit down, relax. I'll drive you home."

"Oh... ok."

"Why are you so nervous around me, Lilith?" he said with a sad expression on his face.

"I just haven't had much experience with... guys." I said nervously. I've only ever kissed girls, but in a dare. Guys don't really find me attractive.

"I presumed." He said. He came close to me and stared at me, his hand on my cheek. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Just relax." He said closing the gap between us. I felt his soft, warm lips against mine and I melt.  Fireworks. "Alright. I'll drive you home now." I didn't want this night to end.

We got into his car and he drove me home, "Was that your first kiss?" he said in a deep loving voice.

"My first real kiss."

"I'm glad I was your first," he said smiling. I wasn't lying, he was my first real kiss. From the way this night went I can tell it won't be the first I have with him.

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