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"This is Allison, and her twin sister Eleanor," Lydia said smoothly, motioning to Allison and me.

The lacrosse player she had dragged down the hallway to meet us smirked and nodded his head towards us both.

Lydia had spent the whole day introducing us to random people, determined to make us new friends. However, I was beginning to get highly suspicious of the fact that the majority of these people were of the male variety. She was especially insistent with me, bringing four in a row up to my locker in between English and Art this morning. She had told me that I had to "get out there", and that it would be great for me to get a boyfriend so all three of us girls could go on triple dates. Even after assuring her that I didn't need a boyfriend because I was comfortable doing my own thing anyway, she told me to stop "being silly" as any guy would be "lucky to have" me.

And let the record show that when Lydia is set on doing something, that girl is persistent. Hence the 8th lacrosse player of the day who was currently trying his best to make friendly small talk.

"How do you like it here?"

"We like it," Allison said sweetly.

I mirrored her smile, trying to be polite, but I just couldn't get myself to become interested in the guy. His face seemed, although good looking to probably many of the girls in our grade, dull. Generic almost. It wasn't his fault, he just wasn't... who I was looking for. 

I let my mind wander a bit as my gaze left the lacrosse player and rolled down the hallway. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Scott walking towards us, a determined look on his face. I nudged my sister's side.

Seeing Scott, Allison lit up, and I knew I had lost her to loveydovey dreamland.

"We'll see you guys later," I told Lydia and lacrosse boy, cutting of any mindless conversation that had been going on.

Lydia rolled her eyes teasingly at me, hinting that I was probably going to get an accusation later of pushing away all her bachelor picks. She smirked, but turned around swiftly anyway, grabbing the guy's hand as she went.

I stood by Allison's side as Scott came up to us with a slightly concerned glint in his eyes.

"So," he muttered "Lydia's introducing you guys to everyone?"

"Yeah!" Allison spoke enthusiastically. "She has been so unbelievably nice to us."

"Why?" He said, his eyes darting between us.

Why? I wondered.

From the time our family had been in Beacon Hills, I had put together that Lydia was somewhat blunt to people, focused on making sure things went her way. However, she wasn't a horrible person and had actually helped my twin and I adjust to the new community quite a bit, even if part of that adjustment plan included the miscellaneous introductions. It was confusing why Scott would just assume something was wrong with Lydia being kind to others.

"Maybe she gets how much being new can suck." I defended our strawberry blonde friend.

He looked at me oddly before his eyes stuck to Allison's arms.

"Where did you get that?" He said incredulously, motioning to the jacket she was carrying. It was a dark blazer type with three quarter length sleeves. We had picked it up last winter on a birthday shopping trip.

"American Eagle?" I suggested.

Allison interjected to explain, "I wore it to the party on Friday but I stupidly forgot it there. It was in my locker this morning though, so I'm pretty sure Lydia brought it back for me, she knows my combination."

Beacon ⌲ Stiles Stilinski [1] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now