twenty one

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After he assured me he could take care of the situation's aftermath, I left Stiles at the Sheriff's department in order to catch up to my sister. Thankfully, though there was a moment of uneasiness to the point of Allison wielding a sharp kitchen knife when I knocked on Isaac's door, the monster hadn't made a move towards her.

In fact, using his werewolf ability for my sister's protection, Scott actually scared the reptile creature off in time to stop it from doing anything other than lurk in the shadows. However, I was even more afraid of something that crept under the cover of darkness to evade recognition. Werewolves were frightening and blood thirsty but at least I knew their agenda most of the time.

Plus, I wasn't sure whether the confirmation of yet another one of my nightmares coming to life was a comfort to me as I wasn't too insane to have been making them up, or a discomfort in that I was somehow predicting the future of supernatural events and actually was going crazy because of it. I think I was leaning towards the latter.

Looking out into the shadows on the road next to the gas station which Allison and I were currently pulled into as she filled our too empty tank after such a long night, I began to feel antsy. For all I knew, the monster could be out there watching us.

The thought made me shudder.

Suddenly, the lights of the gas station flickered for a moment before shutting off completely and leaving us in more darkness than I preferred. 

"Allison?" I called just as I heard my sister call for me in unison. Quickly, I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the vehicle. 

But before I could make my way to the other side of the car where my twin had been standing, I was pushed against the side door violently and my vision became blocked with a large bag being placed over my head.

I screamed in shock and tried to struggle out of it but my arms were being harshly pinned to my side and it wasn't long until my vision went completely black.

What might have been five or even forty-five minutes later, I finally got fresh air when the bag was pulled from my head. However, my state was no better than before; my hands completely tethered to the back of a chair I was sitting in like hand cuffs and a rolled up towel tied around my mouth so any calls for my sister sounded muffled and indecipherable.

I bit down on the towel hard as I wriggled against my ties. Looking around, I recognized the Hale house living room immediately and felt even sicker knowing Aunt Kate may have been killed merely a few feet from me. But I wasn't alone, my sister was in a similar position to me in a chair across the room, forming a triangle between my chair and another which held my father. 

"ALLISON!" I cried again. Even though my noises weren't very clear, her eyes read mine and stared at me in desperation.

The ropes on my wrists were rubbing my skin raw as I struggled and I could feel hot tears falling down my cheeks as I looked between my sister and father, trying and failing to calm my heaving so I could discover a way out; panic bubbling in my chest.

I didn't stop struggling until an eerie echoing voice made me freeze in place.

"Ever wonder what happens if a hunter gets bitten?" the gravelly tone coming from somewhere in the shadows sounded like Derek. The way the sound bounced off of the withered beams and boards made the hairs on my neck stand tall and my blood run cold. "Ever wonder what happens if you get bitten? What do you think your father would do?-"

At the mention of his name, Dad began gritting his teeth furiously and leaning forward with his entire body weight against the holds; wildfire in his eyes.

Beacon ⌲ Stiles Stilinski [1] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now