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The experience was in fact what Lydia had described. The gymnasium's lights were dimmed, and there were several foldout tables set up with purple spotlights emitting from underneath them. I could hear the loud sound from the bass of some pop song as I pushed through the crowd, trying to catch some fresher air to the side of all the dancing bodies.

I had danced with Allison for a little bit, but she had found Scott who somehow managed to sneak into the school, suit and all.

Although Scott had been a little off the other week, I knew he cared for my sister and she cared a lot for him as well. I guess I just wanted to see her happy, and with Scott she was.

Leaning against a side table I took in a few breaths before turning around to find Lydia, perfectly poised in a chair and pouting at the crowd.

Glancing around, I noticed she was alone. "Where's your date?"

Her green eyes flickered up to mine and she shrugged.

"Who knows? I'm pretty sure he got hammered and lost somewhere over there, because I haven't seen him for, like, an hour."

"An hour?" my eyebrows raised. "You could've found me. I've been by myself this whole time as well, remember."

She sadly looked over at Jackson drinking with his friends before glancing down at her hands.

Sighing softly, I held out my hand to her, nodding towards a corner where a group of girls were laughing and jumping together. "That's it. Come on and dance with me over there."

Lydia simply looked at my hand like it was a foreign object and then up at me hesitantly.

"Come on, Lydia. I know this wasn't exactly how you wanted the night to go but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. You look amazing tonight, and I know it isn't like you to just watch from the sidelines and not show it off. I'm not just going to stand here and watch you throw yourself a pity party because of a couple of jackasses when the world could be experiencing Lydia Martin's greatness as we speak."

She smirked slightly. "It's not a pity party, I just don't know this song."

"Who cares? We should dance anyway," I laughed. "And this is coming from me of all people."

Lydia looked up at me one last time before jumping up from her seat and straightening her hairband. Walking out towards the group of girls,  her face finally broke into a full smile.

"Well?" She called to me, whipping her hair around sassily. "What are you waiting for? Let's dance."

So we did. We jumped around wildly for a few songs, and I stayed with her until I could tell she was getting her mojo back. Before I knew it, she was off dancing with some other lacrosse boy and swinging her hips confidently.

Now that's the Lydia I know and love, I thought, and took a step back from the dancing circle.

"Eleanor?" I heard a voice call from behind me. When I turned my head around, I came face to face with Stiles.

My heart fluttered slightly when I noticed how nice he looked in his shirt and tie, the lopsided grin on his face turning my mind into a complete mess of incoherent sentences.

"You look good," he sputtered. "Beautiful I mean."

"Thanks," I mumbled, the heat rising to my cheeks. "You look nice as well."

"Thanks," he grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was wondering if maybe, well, if you-do you maybe want to dance? With me?"

My eyes widened in shock but I nodded quickly. "Sure, yeah, I want to."

Beacon ⌲ Stiles Stilinski [1] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now