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The entire hallway was black as night, with the exception of eerie blue beams seeping from the classroom windows and bouncing off of the lockers. I was beginning to wish that Jackson had kept more than one flashlight in his car, because wandering aimlessly down the stairwells while calling Allison's name, with no source of guiding light, was all too similar to all of my not-so-favourite horror films.

"Allison?" I called weakly before opening a large door, leading me into the next corridor. Jackson and Lydia had caught up and were pattering behind me.

"Not that this manhunt isn't exciting and all, but I'm gonna take a quick pee break," Lydia stated as a matter of factly.

Jackson groaned and rubbed his temples. "You're kidding, right?"

"There's one right there," Lydia quipped.

"Really, Jackson, it's fine. We can just wait outside for her," I said, trying to stop the couple from scratching each other's eyes out.

"You really have to use the bathroom now?" he huffed, still peeved.

"Yes, now. Do you have a problem with me performing a basic biological function?"

"You know, I'm starting to have a problem with all of your functions."

"Okay, stop," I cut in at Jackson sharply, fed up with the nonsense. I shooed the strawberry blonde away. "Lydia, just go pee. We'll be here."

Once the bathroom door swung closed, Jackson let out a loud huff. I bit the inside of my cheek, debating whether or not to say anything, but the minute he let out a second dramatic sigh I threw up my hands.

"Would you give it a rest?" I shouted.

"Excuse me?"

"Personally, I think you should be a little- no- a lot bit nicer to everyone and Lydia, but I guess that's none of my business. However, when you are here, and you are part of this 'team', it becomes my business. So, you're going to keep your mouth shut, Lydia is going to come out of there, and we are going to go find my sister. Got it?"

I clamped my lips together, a little surprised at myself. Jackson's jaw hung slack, and I began to believe that I had finally shut him up, until I realized his gaze fell further behind me rather than into my eyes.

"Jackson, what's-?"

"Shhhh!" he whispered quickly, clamping his hand over my mouth. My eyes widened as I jerked away from him and turned around silently.

At the end of the hall was a dark, looming silhouette of a man. The shadow wasn't moving, but it was facing us.

My body froze in panic as I clenched my hands into fists. Jackson mirrored me, clearing his throat slightly and shouting. "McCall!"

The man didn't budge, causing my eyes to widen.

"Scott?" he tried, but still no reply.

"Stiles?" I squeaked out.

Jackson lowered his voice and breathed out, "Derek?"

I wasn't exactly sure why he thought Derek would be here, but it didn't matter because the silhouette didn't call back anyway. Instead, it flopped down onto it's hands and knees.

My legs started shaking as I recognized the outline of the silhouette; deeming it less man, more monster. The terrifying creature moved a long arm outwards and, fortunately, prowled away. I could feel my heart pounding rapidly and I gulped for air, each breath sharper than the last. Jackson was panting beside me, as Lydia trotted out towards us.

"Did you find them?" she asked.

Neither of us answered. Jackson stared straight ahead, his eyes glued on where the monster was just a moment ago, and I was too focused on getting my heart rate under control. Thoughts racked my mind, and I hit each one away like tennis balls. In order to keep myself from breaking down, I rejected any ideas that the silhouette was the creature from my dreams, from Lydia's cell phone, from all of the animal attacks in town.

Beacon ⌲ Stiles Stilinski [1] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now