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I don't understand the point of dreams about school. With the seven hours I was there during the day yesterday, as well as the extra hours I spent at the lacrosse game, I was hoping for more of a break from Beacon Hills High.

However, my mind seemed to like playing tricks on me, as I found myself walking through the hallways of school. The hallways were empty, which was a little confusing considering they were normally filled to the brim with anxious students rushing about. I traveled slowly down the corridor, inspecting the classroom door windows as I passed; looking for anyone else who may be here with me.

I reached the end of the hallway and felt compelled to open the double metal doors, bringing me outside into the cold and dark courtyard. I was surprised that it was nighttime, but figured the lacrosse game must've just ended and everyone was near the fields or something.

I passed a row of parked school buses, but stopped at the last one. Suddenly, I felt out of my body, treading slowly to the bus's foldout doors. My hand reached hesitantly outwards, and the second my finger tips came in contact with the glass, the doors were swung open and a dark creature with glowing red eyes leaped out to attack me.

I bolted awake, my heart beating rapidly, as the familiar feeling of being lost for breath washed over me.

I knew what was coming, and impulsively latched my hand onto my upper arm, pressing the nails into my skin as to distract me from the extreme urge to scream. I couldn't scream now. For one, it was the middle of the night and it would wake up the entire house. Also, I shuddered at the idea of my mom or Allison thinking something was wrong with me. Like I was broken.

The only one to know about my screaming fits and night terrors was Dad. He seemed to understand my emotions, being the one to help me control it and all. However, I couldn't help but wonder if I was supposed to go my whole life like this; without telling anyone else. I had asked him a few weeks ago about maybe talking to a professional therapist or something, but he persisted on convincing me that that wasn't necessary. He thought I was strong enough to take care of it on my own.

I don't know about strong, but I was sure gaining a high pain tolerance.

I gritted my teeth and continued pressing until I could feel my heart beat slowing down. My hand relaxed, and I wiped the beads of sweat from my upper lip.

I couldn't handle another nightmare, so lying awake seemed like a better choice than going through the same terror again and again. It looked like tomorrow would be another double espresso kind of day.

Slamming my head down on my pillow, I felt a lone tear escape my eyes and down my cheek, as I spent the rest of the night staring out my window, waiting for the sun to come up.

I spent the next school day trying to stay as far away from the fresh crime scene as possible. The image of the torn up bus outside, and the gossiped stories being passed along in the halls, were all too similar to my nightmare, and an eerie feeling crept into my stomach whenever I was in the corridor near the back lot.

Currently, I was trailing behind Allison, Lydia, Danny, Brian, and Jackson. Somehow, I had been corralled into this group along with my sister.

"Where does he sit?" Lydia questioned, pursing her lips.

Allison had informed us that Scott promised to save her a seat. Hopefully he had saved six.

"Over there," Allison smiled towards where she had found her boyfriend sitting with Stiles at a table near the windows. She had been all giggles ever since Scott had kissed her last night, and had been even giddier when she told me they had a date planned for tomorrow.

Beacon ⌲ Stiles Stilinski [1] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now