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It seemed as though the whole town had rallied together to support the lacrosse team in their game. The stands were so packed that I was absolutely squished in between Kate and Allison and pressing my thighs against my sister's. Dad sat bundled next to our Aunt, but Mom had flaked on coming out to watch teenage boys ram into each other for sport; claiming she had better things to do with her time.

I clutched a styrofoam cup of coffee firmly in my hands and examined the players warming up on the field and waiting on the benches. My thoughts uncontrollably fled to Stiles, scanning for the back of the jersey I had memorized without knowing.

My eyebrows  knotted slightly when I couldn't spot number 24 anywhere, the only Stilinski in sight being the Sheriff standing near the edge of the bleachers.

"What's wrong?" Allison asked curiously beside me, sipping from her own hot drink.

"Me? Oh, er-nothing," I stammered, looking down.

"Can't find Stiles?"

I blushed furiously and focused on my coffee cup. "At least I'm not looking for Jackson."

"Enough with the hatred!" my sister rolled her eyes with a grin. "I told you he's-"

"Not that bad," I finished for her in a sing-song voice. "I've heard."

Kate whipped her head around from her conversation with Dad to focus in on our lighthearted bickering. "What's this? Which one's Jackson?"

"That one," Allison nodded to the team huddle on the field. Jackson stood proudly, his chiseled chin high in the air as he  turned to talk with Scott. A long dimple was indented in his cheek and I would've been lying to myself if I said he didn't look good. Attractive even.

However, I still scrunched my nose in a cringe when Kate bit her lip and raised her eyebrows, nodding in approval. "Holy hotness-"

"If only I was in high school again," she sighed and Allison chuckled at her. "Maybe just a substitute teacher..."

"You're sick," I shook my head, but a laugh escaped my lips.

The game went by quickly, with a lot of scoring chances and big plays. To the giddiness of the roaring crowd, Beacon Hills won; launching the team in the direction of semi finals.

By the end, my coffee was down to drips and the warming affect it had enforced earlier had worn off, as I began to feel the night air's chill up my legs and onto my cheeks. Therefore, I was unbelievably grateful to arrive home and immediately bundle up with my large sweatshirt and wrap my legs in a blanket.

I hadn't paid attention to the time but was sure it was late enough to be sleeping. Instead, I was drawing and etching out plenty of spindly trees with graphite. The branches spread across the page and became tangled up with each other, becoming a confusing web of wood and leaves on paper.

Suddenly, my door creaked open; demanding my attention.

It opened a sliver at first, before coming in full swing and letting out the light from my bedroom into the hallway. In the door frame was a silhouette, beginning to tiptoe inside towards my desk.


The figure jumped slightly.

"Oh, sorry," she hushed quickly. "I thought you'd be asleep."

"No, I'm just..." I trailed off, staring at the pile of Chemistry work layered underneath my sketchbook that was acting as a drawing surface as opposed to actually being completed and caught up on. "...working."

Allison glanced at me with a smirk.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I wondered.

My sister approached my bedside and darted her eyes around my shelving unit. She huffed when her eyes returned to mine. "Have you seen my necklace?"

Beacon ⌲ Stiles Stilinski [1] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now