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There was no denying that my nightmares were back, vivid and stronger than ever.

This highly confused me considering that we already handled the alpha werewolf and experienced a traumatic event the night of Kate's death. However, these continuing nightmares with images of more glowing eyes, the added manpower of my grandfather and his allies, and Lydia's sudden disappearance suggested that maybe our hardship wasn't finished. That there was even more to come.

And that alone terrified me.

Tonight, or technically this morning judging by the lights from my alarm clock which registered my now waking hour as an extremely early one, I wasn't awoken by dread or paranoia.

I was awoken by yet another dream.

Instead of roaming through the forest, I had found myself wandering in a dark alleyway behind a few of the industrial buildings in town. The evening was pitch black and rain was pouring all around me as I carried on slowly around mundane garbage bins and deserted, unwanted household items. I wasn't sure where I was going but continued anyway. Suddenly, lurking in the shadows of the alley, a slight movement caught my eye. My heartbeat jumped while I zoned in on what it was. The source of the movement had been a tail and, last time I had checked, werewolves didn't have tails.

I had inched closer to the sight, attempting to decipher what I was seeing. That's when it moved again and stepped into the light of a far off street lamp. I had been correct in thinking that it wasn't a werewolf, as it had been something completely different. Standing in front of me, with eerily familiar glowing eyes, was a lizard-like creature. However this reptile wasn't anything I recognized, and loomed over me with great power. My eyes caught sight of its pointed claws and razor sharp teeth just as it had pounced towards me, jolting me out of my nightmare altogether.

I sat up panting, clutching my chest. I had never seen a creature like that before and doubted my dream's credibility for a split second. But considering I had also never seen the alpha beast when it first appeared in my dreams and that supernatural being turned out to be incredibly real, I immediately began to panic that this reptile monster could exist as well.

And that couldn't be good.

My mind whirred wildly, recalling the conversation Stiles and I had at the hospital when he suggested the possibility that if Lydia was turning -or had turned- into something, it didn't necessarily have to be a werewolf.

What if the reptile beast was Lydia?

My stomach began to churn at the thought, worrying about her safety if that was the case. 

After laying for another forty-five minutes, staring straight at my ceiling and trying to calm down, I gave up attempting to sleep. I couldn't in my nervous state.

I considered getting out of bed and visiting Allison's room, but she had went to bed so relieved since they found Lydia, and as I glanced at the clock I decided I didn't want to wake her at this hour. I knew if I told her that she would protest, stating she was always available if I needed her, but I just didn't want to disturb her tonight.

Besides, she had begun to go off in the middle of the night to have secret rendezvous with Scott since they still weren't technically allowed by our parents to see each other, so she may be out of the house entirely.

It's not that I wanted to disturb Stiles either, but I guess I didn't consider that as I reached for my dormant cell phone and typed in his contact information on reflex.

After a few long rings, there was a shuffling sound on the other end of the line before a gravelly voice broke the silence. "El? What's wrong? What happened?"

Beacon ⌲ Stiles Stilinski [1] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now