I Hate Myself!!

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Liam's POV:

I didn't turn around, I didn't stop to even look around. I knew, if I did, I wouldn't be able to leave. I didn't look into the kids' room, I didn't sneak into the kitchens. I simply walked out of the back door. I didn't even breathe till I was well and truly out of the house.

As soon as I was out, I pulled out my cell and called my best friend, my handler and direct contact within the agency, Mike. "Hi Mike." I whispered as he asnwered groggily. "Dude, it's like 5Am" He yawned, but he understood duty, I could wake him any time.

"Has there been some development?" he asked, still groggy, but alert.

"No man, Sam kicked me out and I need Rumi's help." I whispered, trying not to choke as I walked out, towards the mountain.

"What? Where are you man?" He asked, fully awake.

"I'm walking out of his holiday home, I need transport and I need guards." I whispered, the cold had begun setting into my bones already. I could see my breath rise out in a fog.

"Wait, I will send you someone in under 5 minutes. What the hell did you do man?" He asked in exasperation as he dialed someone and began talking on another line.

"Sam saw me hugging my wife Mike." I tried to explain and felt sick; sick down to my gut, my wife...

"What? How did you find your Vegas Bombshell man?" He asked in excitement and bile rose up my throat.

"She is Lily, Lily Sameul Lawson, my brother-in-law's daughter." I whispered.

"Fuck man! Have you fucking lost it! You can't fuck your own niece! This is incest you idiot!" he yelped, fear seemed to set into him, "No one, absoluetly no one messes with The Sameul Lawson!" He yelled over the phone.

I saw red! Incest! How dare he insult my girl!

"Fuck you! You asshole! Lily isn't his biological daughter! I m legally her husband and damn if if you ever insult me again!" I yelled.

"Oh man chill! You are yelling whilst still in enemy territory man! But my dear legally wedded husband, if you are so damn sure of yourself, why haven't you told Sam the truth yet?" He asked sneakily. Yes, he caught me. I didn't have the guts to. How could I? My sister was Lily's adopted mother!

Oh dear God!

Soon, a car drove upto me and the windows rolled down, Rumi winked from inside and I hurried to get away.


1 week later....

I had become the new romeo, or rather the new drunk romeo of my team. I was grummpy and generally unbearable. I knew I was being unresonable with my friends, but I couldn't help it. Suddenly the world seemed like an awful place. My wife was the only light.

Counting days, perhaps hours that I had survived without her was becoming a painful habit. She had become my obcession. Rumi had ensured every movement of her was being tracked, and on the rare occassion that she had ventured out of the house, they had clicked a picture of her and sent to me.

Yes, she had ventured out only once, to go to school on Monday, a day afterI  walked out on her. She had looked sad yet determined, even a little lost. But after that day, she didn't step out of the house. Not once, not even to go to school. I had panicked. A thousand worries had bombarded my head, what if she was ill? Or, what if she was crying and in pain because of me, or what if Sam had some how found out and given her hell. Every scenario had raised my heart beats, caused the inside of my skull to pound till Rumi had, after finally losing her patience on me and my boorish manner, called in to investigate. 

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