~Chapter Three~

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"There's a lake up ahead! We should take a break there!" You said to Lloyd as you stepped on the pedal, making your vehicle go faster. "I see it too!" He says and rides his motorcycle next to your ride. The sun was setting, meaning you and Lloyd had to set up camp soon.

You both arrived by the lake and parked both of your vehicles. "Okay, here's what we'll do. You grab some wood so we can make a fire, and I'll set up the tents. That is, you did bring your own tent...right. There's no way I'm sleeping with you as wrong as that sounds." You said and Lloyd chuckled.

"Of course I brought my own tent. Mom wouldn't let me leave the house till I was ready for this mission." He says and you show a small frown, you wondered what it was like to have a mother that actually cared about you. "Just...just get the wood." You said changing the topic.

Lloyd looked at you curiously for a minute, as if he's concerned for you. He then nodded then went off. You breathed in and out to get back to your old self and grabbed your tent from your backpack.

When you finished setting up both your tent and Lloyd's tent, Lloyd came back with a lot of log stacked on top of each other and you were surprised Lloyd could see where he was going. "Where do you want these?!" He asks. "Over here by the- LLOYD LOOK OUT!! WATCH OUT FOR YOUR-"

"WOAH!!!" Lloyd says and trips and falls hard on his motorcycle, surprisingly making it tip over and hit your vehicle!!! They both fall down the little hill and plop right into the lake!! Your mouth is wide open in shock, confusion, sadness and anger.

Lloyd gets up and dusts himself off before he too is in shock at seeing both of his and your vehicle slowly sinking in the lake! And there was no way to pull it back out. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't see where I was going!" "LLOYD!! IT TOOK 48 HOURS TO BUILD THAT VEHICLE!!!" You yell at him and he frowns.


"I know! But hey! Look on the bright side! At least it wasn't our supplies!" "AGH! I need to breathe. Just set up the fire!!!" You say then March off. You started to count up in your head because apparently when you were mad, counting up calmed you down.

When you were done you called up the base. Jessie answered, "Samurai Z base! Jessie speaking." She says and leans back in her swivel chair. "I. Hate. Having. Partners!!" You complain and she chuckles and swivels.

"So you keep saying! Haha what did the poor lad do to you this time?" She asks. "He freaking tripped and made both of our vehicles fall into the lake!!" You say getting pissed again. Jessie sits up with an amused expression on her face. "Come again?" "Lloyd tripped and made our vehicles sink to the bottom of the lake!!! Now we have to walk!!!" You say and Jessie bursts out laughing.

"Best mission we've ever encountered!! Hahahahahaha!!!" "Grr, shut up!! Please tell me I can call my mech over remotely!" You say and she laughs and shakes her head no. "Ugh!! Well do I have a vehicle you can bring over here!?" "Hahaha! Ahh...sorry mate! We weren't done upgrading them remember!"

"Ugh!" "Remember lex, you must work together in order for this to go along faster." Jessie says and you sigh. "You're right...oh fine. I've walked longer than this forest anyways." You say and she claps her hands.

"That's more like it! Dad wants me home early today but your father will be here if you need a call." She says and you nod. "See you tomorrow." You say and she happily smiles and waves at you then hangs up.

You sigh again then head back to the camp and saw that Lloyd was sitting on a log with his head in his hands. You felt pretty bad now, you didn't mean to jump on him like that. Apparently you had gotten your anger problems from your mother and you hated it.

You sat next to Lloyd, "I'm sorry I jumped on you. I get pissed easily. I know you didn't mean it." You apologize and Lloyd looks up at you and gives you a small smile. "It's okay. My friend Kai get angry pretty easily. I know how it is." He says and you're surprised at how calm he is.

"I guess I should be happy that I got you instead of him huh." You say and he chuckles. "Yeah, I guess." He says and you smile then look at the flames that quenched in the fire in front of you.

"So! Let's eat something!" You say and get up to go to your backpack. When you and Lloyd ate the little dinner you had packed, you both got to know each other more. You were very shocked when Lloyd told you about his past.

"Wait so...when your dad was in the underworld, your mom just dropped you off at some boarding school and never saw you again?! Wow." You say and Lloyd nods. "Yeah. But that was years ago, I'm...over that." He says and you nod.

"And so wait, how are you supposedly...12 when you look like a teenager!" "Let's just say it started with a Grundle and Tomorrow's Tea." He said with a smile. Eventually you had known a lot more about Lloyd and he knew more about you.

Before you headed inside your tent, "Goodnight Alex." Lloyd smiled at you and you couldn't help but smiled back. "Night Lloyd. Don't think I forgot what you did to our vehicles!" You say and he chuckles as he heads inside his tent.

You head inside your tent as well and get inside your sleeping bag. You were surprised at how quickly you became nicer to Lloyd, you were glad that came from your dad. Lloyd wasn't so bad after all. You slowly closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Hours later, "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Jessie called from your samurai smart watch. You groaned and glared at her.

"Yay! You're awake! Morning!! Your dad wants you to wake up!" She says happily. "I will throw this watch into the lake if you don't chill." You say and she laughs. "It's waterproof remember! Drown it all you want!" She said and you glared at her harder. "Just get up! Make some breakfast or something to make you ready! I'm gonna wake up Lloyd!! Hahaha bye!!!" She said and then hung up.

You yawned then sat up and rubbed your eyes. You chuckled when you heard Jessie obnoxiously yelling at Lloyd and waking him up. "Alright! Alright! Sheesh I'm up!" He says and you felt a bit more awake with amusement. You step out of your tent and stretch, feeling the sun's rays hit you.

You then head down to the lake to wash your face. "Morning Alex." You heard Lloyd say. You dry your face and head over to where he was. "Morning Lloyd." You greet back. "Are you ready to keep moving?" He asks and you put on your armor. "Let's get going." You replied.

A/n: ik it's short lol XD and speaking of short, and this a very short author's note lol.

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