~Chapter Seven~

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You and Lloyd slowly walk down the hallway and follow the signal of the elements detector on your watch. "Wow! We're getting really close! The signal is getting stronger and stronger." You say feeling happy.

"Oh yeah, and once we get them out of here I've got a bone to pick with Leiko and her samurai." Lloyd says feeling pumped. "Oh so do I. She's gonna pay for the damage she's done to my an-" you say and get cut off when you and Lloyd's mouths get covered with a metal hand and you both are dragged to the side in the shadows.

You both try to wiggle out of the grasp you were in but then heard a 'Shh!' Sound and you both got quiet. Then, two samurai warriors just pass by where you both were hiding.

"Where'd they go?!" One stopped and asked his partner. "I think they went that way! C'mon!" The other one said as they both ran in the other direction. When the sound of their footsteps disappeared, both you and Lloyd's mouth were uncovered and you quickly turned on the screen light on your watch to make the small area brighter, so you and Lloyd could see who saved you both.

You both gasp when you saw who it was. "The Masters of Metal, Shadow, and Light!? What are you guys doing here?! Did you escape?!" Lloyd says just as surprised as you.

"Shh!! Keep it down! We're not trying to get captured! We came to save everyone." The Master of Shadow says. "Karlof saw Green Ninja and Samurai coming down here and Karlof save you both from bad Samurais!" The Master of Metal said.

"That's not just any Samurai Karlof! That's Samurai Z!! The Samurai Z!! Oh big fan of your work! The Name's Paleman. Master of Light, if you will." Master of light says as he disappears them reappears again.

"Name is Karlof! Master of Metal!" The Master of metal says then turns into hard metal and back to normal again.

"And I'm shade. Master of Shadow. Hard to find, easy to pass by." The Master of shadow says then disappears into the shadows and back into the light again.

"Nice to meet you all! And glad you all haven't been captured yet. We should work together from here on out. The more people against her, the more chances." You say and Lloyd nods in agreement.

"Alright. We'll help each other. We've got a plan anyways, and since two more people got added to our team, this plan will be better than ever!" Shade says and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Whatcha got?" Lloyd asked them. "We was thinking that Karlof here, gets captured as bait and we follow in the shadows as they bring him to where the rest are. Then once that weird crazy power lady is there, we'll drop in and attack! And rescue the rest in the process and giving them back their powers and then it'll be a lot of fighting after that!" Paleman explains and Lloyd and the others seem to like the plan, except you.

"I-i don't know. I mean have you actually even fought one of those guys?! They have Chromium metal armor! They'll weaken your powers and act as a shield! Once you drop in its lights out for all of you! I think we better think it through." You say feelings skeptical.

"Says the samurai who is one ankle short." Shade sasses and you glare at him. "I am not one ankle short!! I can fight! Maybe not like I used to but I can fight! You go and try fighting one of those guys and have them break your ankle!"

"Alex! Shade! That's enough! If we wanna work together we have to be positive!" Lloyd says and shade smirks. "Oh I'm sorry, I meant to say, I like the way your ankle is broken and how you have a cast on it! I wish for the best when we fight!" He says sarcastically and you growl and pounce at him but he laughs and disappears, making you fall to the ground.

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