~Chapter Nineteen~

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Lloyd or Jason? Jason or Lloyd? Lloyd liked you, but so does Jason. You like Jason, but you might...feel something with Lloyd. You furrow your brows and work harder on your mech. Just then you heard someone enter the cave. "Uh oh! Somebody's building too hard by themselves!" You heard your dad say as he got closer. "So? Don't I always work hard?" You say, not looking at him. Your dad chuckles and grabs a seat next to you.

"You do, but you never build things without Jessie or me. When you start making vehicles and tech by yourself like this, it means you're trying to clear your head." He says and you stop what you're working on. "How do you know that." "Because I'm your father. It's my job to notice things not even Jessie or Jason know." he says with a smile.

You blow some hair out your face then look at him. "C'mon lexy, talk to your old pops!" He says and you roll your eyes and chuckle. You stood up and brought him over to the couch. You both sat down and you slouched on the couch. "So what's bothering my pumpkin?" He asked and you sighed. "Boy problems." You say and he sits up concerned. "Jason didn't do anything bad to you did he?" "No dad. He's so sweet and loyal to me. But see, that's the thing. So is...Lloyd."

He raises his eyebrow now intrigued. "Keep talking." "At the dance last week. Lloyd pretended to be Jason since they were wearing the same costume and he knew I wouldn't have any idea of his presence there. Lloyd almost...kissed me but Jason found us and he caught Lloyd. At that point it was pretty clear that Lloyd...does like me. But, as you know, I'm with Jason. And I'm happy. But, Jessie thinks I have feelings for Lloyd. And as much as I hate admitting that she's right, but, she's right. I think I do sorta have something in my heart for him." You explain with a frown.

"So your problem is, you don't know who to choose at this point. Lloyd or Jason." Your dad says and you nod. "But the thing is, every minute I'm with Jason, doing the couple things we used to do, I can't help but think about Lloyd, and how bad I'm making him feel. He knows I'm with Jason and it just makes him so uncomfortable because he feels as if he should be with me..."

"Wow tough. This should be girl talk but I'm also the mom around here! Haha. Well, I think...you should take your time and think about you. Not about how they would feel, well I mean you should, just a little, but this should be about how you feel." Your dad says and you look at him and raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Just, think about how you feel with each boy." He says and you take in his advice. "Alright...I'll think on it. Thanks dad." You Say with a smile. "Happy to help! I'll just leave you here to think. If you need anything else just let me know." He says with a grin then ruffles your hair and leaves the cave back up to the house. As soon as you hear that you are alone you breathe in and out and think. Lately, moments with Jason haven't been the same. It wasn't his fault, but it was yours. Sure, he was there for you, but Lloyd was the one who actually understood you. That's a huge difference.

Ugh but who to choose! You sighed and laid down on the couch. This was a really hard decision. You just didn't like to break hearts. It's not who you were. You first thought about Jason. He had been with you through everything. He really cared about you. "Alex?" "Yeah Jason?" "While you were on your mission, I watched from the screen, and I was scared. Scared for you. It takes guts to tell someone you're scared, but I really was, you almost got killed and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you left."

You felt heat rise up to your cheeks as you heard his words. You reach for his hand and hold it in yours. "I was scared too, scared I'd never make it back, but here I am! And I wouldn't have made it without you guys. So thanks, for being there for me." You say with a smile. Jason smiles back, "Well no problem, I care about you." He says and you blush harder. Jason chuckles seeing your face turning crimson red, he gets up from his swing and helps you stand up. "Awe! I liked the swings!" You said and he sticks his tongue out teasingly. He really was a great guy. Always made you smile.

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