~Chapter Twenty~

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You heard the doorbell ring and you went to go get it. You opened the door to a very happy green ninja. "Hi boyfriend!" You greet Lloyd and he chuckles and pecks you on your lips. "Hi girlfriend!" He said and you let him inside. "You told anyone about us yet?" You ask as you take Lloyd's dark green coat and hang it on the rack by the door. "Yeah! My parents." He says as he sips he shoes off.

"Ooh how'd that go?" You ask as you make your way over to the kitchen to make some ice cream. As you grabbed the bowls and the ice cream, Lloyd sat in on one of the stools. "At first they thought I was joking, since sometimes I joke around, but once they realized I was serious, they gave me a big hug and congratulated me. They said that they knew that I was gonna get with you sooner or later. Since...you're my first uh love, and first relationship, they ended up giving me a lecture on how to be a boyfriend." Lloyd said with a chuckle.

You smiled and passed Lloyd a bowl of ice cream, "Just be yourself Lloyd! Being in a relationship isn't hard. You'll be fine." You said and put a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth, sitting down on the stool next to him. "Thanks, I'll keep note of that. So, did you tell your dad yet?"

"Nope, not yet but he'll find out. Always does. It's a samurai thing." You say with a chuckle. "What about Jessie?" "Nope! But she's got her weird ways of finding out." "And uh...what about Jason? How's he uh..taking it?" "I don't know, haven't talked to him since I broke up with him yesterday."

Lloyd nodded and gave a frown. "Hey it wasn't your fault. We just..weren't meant to be, but you and I were, and I'm sure of it this time." You said and gave him a small smile. Just then your dad came in, "I thought I heard Lloyd in here! Haha hey buddy!" He says and Lloyd smiles and gives him a small wave. "Hi!" He greeted him back. "Anywho! Alex, I'm off to the store to get some stuff real quick, want anything?" Your dad asked you.

You shrugged and leaned your head on Lloyd's shoulder, as he put his arm around your waist. "I dunno, a bag of chips...more cereal..maybe an-" "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YOU TWO!" Your dad yelled and you both got startled. "Alex!! Did you break up with jason? For Lloyd?" Your dad asked with a grin forming on his face.

"Yup. Lloyd's my MVP now." You said and Lloyd laughed. "Woah okay, so...just to be clear, you don't need to cry about the breakup or anything right?" "Nope. I did all that yesterday. When I came home. That's kinda why I didn't talk to you." You said sitting up now.

"Ohh okay. Well Lloyd, before I congratulate you or anything, I'm gonna give you a little talk. But first, I need my suit." Your dad said as he cracked his knuckles and glared at Lloyd before walking away. "Okaayyy?? Should I be...scared?" Lloyd asked you feeling confused.

"He did the same thing to Jason when I first dated him. He's gonna test ya first to see if you're the one for me. But he does it his own weird way." You say as you get both empty bowls and put them in the sink. "How?" "Can't say. I sorta told him I wouldn't give details about what he's gonna do if stuff like this happens." You then make your way over to the living room couch.

"Anywho! How about, you, tell me one weird thing about yourself! Can't start a relationship without knowing one weird thing!" You said sitting down next to Lloyd. He smiled and thought for a minute till he thought of something. "So, my dad was a brunette, and so was my mom! But, as you can see, I'm a blonde!" He said and you were actually surprised. You quickly did a punnet square in your head, "How?! How is that possible?! You should be a brunette too!"

Lloyd chuckled and shrugged, "Unless my mom drank from a magic golden flower and I came out blonde and I was given energy powers!" "Haha What?!" "Haha you don't remember Tangled?" "Ohhh yeah!! Haha took awhile." "So what about you? Anything weird I should know?" You then think for a minute then you thought of something. "I'm not ticklish." You stated. Lloyd smirked, "Oh really huh?" "Yup." "Now see, that's sad, you're sitting next to the Lloydster! I'm a master at tickling! And well, every once and awhile I tickle people!" You chuckled and folded your arms.

Energy: A Lloyd Garmadon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now