Chapter 11

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"Zayn when I fucking tell you to run. Run as fast as you can inside the car okay? Then start driving." I whispered to him not letting them see. As I can observe they didn't know it's us. Maybe they just think were normal people who's buying groceries.

Until 4 of them went inside the aisle that were in. "Shit" I whispered. "Kiss me" I said.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Kiss me." I cleared out "Public display of attraction makes people uncomfortable" I explained as fast as I can "Kiss me --" He didn't let me finish but he just crashed his lips on mine.

I felt him pushing me a little bit so I can rest my back on the drawers. It was a soft long kiss. It wasn't anything special. I put my arms on is neck as i felt his hands on my waist. I took a peck on the guys and saw them being uncomfortable and so they move to another aisle.

I was the one who pulled away. I looked him in his eyes, I'm very good in reading someone' eyes. But his eyes? I can't help but just to look away and blush.

"C'mon. Let's go to another store." I whispered as we made our way out of the store.

I quickly get in and he did the same thing. I started the engine and drove as fast as I can until we can no longer see the store.

"Gosh that was close" I let out a heavy breath.

"Next time, remind me not to come with you" Zayn said joking.

"Duhh who said you should come a while ago? You could have just stayed." I replied not looking at him but focusing at the road but I surely can feel his gaze on me.

"If I didn't come then I won't have a chance to kiss you" He said seriously.

I looked at him and he was looking at me straight to my eyes. I look away and just continued to drive. "Let's just find another store so we can go home, i'm sure the lads are hungry as fuck" I said  shyly. And for the first time in my life since I entered this job I was shy in front of a guy.


"What took you guys so long?" Luke asks me as the boys fix the groceries.

"Well they found us in the store. God knows how scared I am! Like what the fuck dude it's just the 2 of us and they're 4 of them!!" Zayn tells them whilst I was just laughing remembering what happen. Well maybe laughing whilst blushing? Oh I don't know.

"I told him I won't save his arse even if they caught us!" I replied making them all laugh.

"Yeah whatever Cara. For I know you were so worried about me" he said walking closer to me.

"I told you. I have no plans on protecting you guys. You are not my mission." I said narrowing my eyes on him.

"If you have no plans on protecting us then you have left us even before we get here" he replied again getting closer to me.

I touched him in his chest using my finger. And pushed him slightly. "Stop it Malik" I said shyly.

"Why are you blushing Cara?" He said softly.

"I'm going to bed!!" I shout and quickly went to our room and closed it. And of course. Locking it!!

"You bitch. You can't fall for zayn. You can't fall in love with him" I whispered to my self. I sigh in frustration.

I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked before opening it. Just making sure it's not zayn.

"It's me Luke. Don't worry it's not Zayn" He said chuckling softly.

I opened the door and a smiling Luke came in the room. "Sorry for making your hopes high. I bet you wish it was Zayn?" He asked smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever and, no Luke. I was actually hoping it was you or the lads. But! Not Zayn"

"You do know that we are not allowed to like settle down right?" I nodded. "We need to be in the 30's before we can settle down for good. But remember if you fall for him. Be ready to get hurt Cara."

"You don't have to tell me Luke. I know" i eyed him.

"I know. I'm just reminding you. It's not wrong to fall for someone. If you really like him. Or maybe if you love him. You'll eventually learn to sacrifice for him. You can't stop your heart for loving someone Cara. Your know that right?" he said honestly.

"Luke. My whole life i've been sacrificing for CAPTAIN. What more can I sacrifice?"

Seriously, what more can I sacrifice? But he is right. I can't stop my heart for loving. But I can stop it before even falling for someone? Wait. I don't get it. Isn't that just the same thing? Ugh. I can't fall in love with Zayn Malik. There I said it. I can't and I never will.

With that. I didn't bother hearing put what Luke would have to say. I just went to bed and fall asleep with empty stomach.

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