Chapter Twenty: This Is The Way It Ends?

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Dean's POV

I stretched my arms in the locker room as I waited for Roman to return from his match. I had watched a part of it from the hallway, but I started to feel annoyed with everyone else there so I came back here.

I'm not a people person. Most of the time I hate everybody.

By this point, most of the people were either in the hallway or in the other men's locker room, so the only other person in here was Dolph Ziggler, who was sitting a few feet away from me clicking around on his phone.

I had one too, but I'm not sure why to be honest. I never really used it. I guess it's nice if I need to message Roman or something.

I wasn't entirely sure how to use my phone, actually--I knew how to message people, and I knew that 'LOL' meant 'Laugh Out Loud' or something. Beyond that, I've never really explored what it could do and I don't really care.

Roman still hasn't come back yet, so I decided to take out my phone and look through my messages. I knew I didn't have any new ones, or many messages in general, but I did it anyway.

Messages from: Powerhousereigns3

Messages from: Architectrollins1

Group Messages from: Powerhousereigns3, Architectrollins1

Ah. I guess I forgot to delete Rollins from my contact list. I went into the group message to delete it, and I looked down into the text box. I regretted it.

Message sent: Sunday, June 1st, 2014

Architectrollins1: so guys, we cool for tonight?

Unstableambrose2: have you even met us, Seth? i'm always up for annoying the authority LOL

Powerhousereigns3: Dean just because I taught you what LOL means doesn't mean you have to use it in every sentence

Unstableambrose2: I can do what I want Roman LOL LOL LOL

Architectrollins1: ok, so how about we meet up at the brick wall south of the school? we can get some paint and spray our name on it.

Unstableambrose2: sounds good LOL

Powerhousereigns3: Dean I swear if you don't stop with the LOLing

Unstableambrose2: what are you going to do? leave the group message? wow i'm scared now LOL

Architectrollins1: all right, i'll see you guys tonight.

Powerhousereigns3: and at school tomorrow. we literally see each other every day Seth.

Unstableambrose2: yeah, we should graffiti more of the school tomorrow night LOL. what do you think, Seth?

He never answered. That was the last time we had used that group message. Probably also the day he joined forces with stupid Principal Helmsley and became a stupid, backstabbing little--

"Hey, Dean! There you are!" My thoughts were interrupted by Roman finally bursting through the door.

"Yes, here I am." I almost asked him whether he won his match or not, but I was sure he did. The look on his face told me everything.

"I won against Randy," he confirmed. "Also, you're supposed to go wait for them to announce your match."

"Um, okay. Hi to you, too. I'll see you once I beat the crud out of Rollins."

"Can't wait. See you later," he said.

I left the room, and I bumped into Lilian Garcia. "Oh, hi!" she exclaimed. "Just telling you where to go. Come stand here while I introduce the match." Lilian ushered me over to where twenty people or so were standing. I guess these were my lumberjacks? WWE High School!Where stories live. Discover now