Chapter Thirteen: Dean

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Ahh, finally. Our first big event this summer was here.

Seth's become smarter over the past couple months-- he realized that whenever he saw me, it was bad news. So he mostly high-tailed it out whenever I tried to make a sneak attack.

But he can't high-tail today. Not today, because Triple H agreed to my match just like I hoped he would. I don't know why he agreed, really--from a stupid, authority figure viewpoint, I would think that me being in a match with Seth would not be good for him. And we all know how much Triple H loves his little golden boy.

I'm not too worried about it, though. Whatever scheme Triple H might be planning will not overtake me.

Since everyone was in the wrestling area, I decided to take a stroll through the hallways--after wishing good luck to Roman, of course. His match would be the main event, and I just knew that he could win that championship gold, even if he was going against three other guys.

I slowly padded through the halls. It was nice and quiet without all the commotion and hustling of all the people. All of the noise is enough to make a guy go crazy.

The silence was ruined by whispering from another hallway. I turned towards the noise and saw Triple H standing with Seth.

Discussing important plans without me, are you? That's rude. Might be time to crash your party.

Without thinking, I ran down the hallway and lunged at Seth. I guess Triple H wasn't too thrown off, because he called some staff to come and pull me away.

"Get him out," he yelled. "He's not allowed to come back for his match."

I was thrown out the rear door. I tried to open it, and I saw that they had locked it.

Then, I did the obvious thing and decided to use another door. Luckily, this one was open and I jumped in and hid before anyone could see me. I didn't want to be thrown out again.

Unfortunately, somebody did see me. Fortunately, that person was Roman.

"Dean? What are you doing here? They said that Triple H banned you from the building."

"Quiet, Reigns. Do you really think I give a darn what Triple H said?"

"Good point. But Seth went out there anyway--he's 'accepting his victory by forfeit'," Roman said, using his hands to make quotation marks in the air.

"I'm not going to let that act of arrogance go without a fight," I said, jumping out of my spot.

"I figured you wouldn't. He's right out that door."

"Thanks, bro,"I said, and I quickly opened it, looking out onto the mat where Seth was standing with a referee.

I jumped off a table and I could see Seth's eyes grow wider as I landed on him. The people started to cheer, and I kept on pummeling him until the referee used force to make me stop. He called out his referee buddies and they carried me out of the building...again.

At least I got what I came here for.

I looked around the parking lot. I had no way of getting home, because I didn't save enough money to buy a car yet, and Roman had the keys to his car, which we were driving home in later. And Roman was going to be here for the next hour or two.

I started walking around the lot, for lack of a better thing to do. I thought about getting a snack or something, but I didn't have any money to buy it with--

A grey car. I recognized that car, because I was there when the person bought it. I went over to the driver side and tried the door.

Surely he can't be THIS stupid...

Nope. He was. The door to Seth's car was unlocked, and I could easily hop in. I looked back towards the entrance to the wrestling building, and then, I hit the OPEN TRUNK button that was situated on the floor.

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I don't know how long I waited there. Probably not too long, because if it was a long time I would have suffocated in the July heat, even if it was during the night.

I heard a few people walking in the parking lot. I heard feet earlier, so I wasn't surprised, but I soon heard who the feet belonged to.

"Guys, I don't need security. Seriously, you can leave. I'm good."

I readied my finger on the latch for the trunk. I heard some more shuffling around the lot. Was the "security" leaving, or was Seth looking for something? Maybe both.

Silence. The other guys were gone. I only heard one set of footsteps now, and they were around this very car. Now was my chance. I clicked open the trunk and sprang out of the car.

I let it all out, once again. I would never get tired of this feeling. There was no one to stop me. At least, until Seth called his security out once again.

How does his security get here so quickly?

They escorted their special princess back into the building. Once again, the door was locked. I would go around the back again, but they were probably watching the door this time. And Roman would not be there, as his match was probably going on this very minute.

Nothing to do now. I sat on the curb and watched passing cars go by, waiting for Roman to come out with his championship trophy so we could go home.

"Soon, Seth," I said under my breath. "I may not have been able to fight you here, in this battleground, but I will next month. At our last event. Summerslam is coming to an end, Seth. And you better say your prayers, because there will be a time that nobody can save you from your brother with a wish for revenge." WWE High School!Where stories live. Discover now