Chapter Twenty-Six: AJ

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"...and that is basically polynomial division!" the Rock said after he showed the complicated process to us. Maybe my head should be spinning right now, but Mr. Johnson explained it so well that I almost got it down.

The bell rang for class dismissal, and as I left the classroom, heading towards my locker, Paige caught up to me.

"Hey, AJ Lee!" she said.

"Hey, Paige Bevis," I said, smiling. "What brings you here today?"

"Oh, nothing,'s so great being Women's champion, you know?"

"I know. And I'll remember again when I win that championship back in a few weeks. You remember what Triple H said, right? All the championships have to be put on the line, and I still get a rematch..."

"You get a rematch, that doesn't mean you'll win it back," Paige said, her fake smile disappearing.

"Guess we'll just have to see who walks out champ, eh?"

"Guess we will. Bye, AJ."

"Bye, Paige," I responded, watching her walk away.

Wow. She really likes shoving that championship in everyone's face.

I followed the crowd into the cafeteria, and found a table to eat my lunch. I thought I might be eating alone again, until Renee Young came over.

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked cheerily.

I shook my head, my mouth full of sandwich.

"How've you been lately?" she asked, starting to peel an orange.

"I've been good, actually." I was a little surprised that she came over to sit with me, but Renee was very peppy and friendly with everyone. She's already had four years in high school to make friendships, I wouldn't be surprised if she was friends with everyone by graduation.

"I got the paper, by the way," I said, pulling out the school newspaper from my bag. Renee was a part of the newspaper staff.

"Oh, cool!" she said, smiling. "Did you read it yet?"

"Not yet," I said, looking through it. "Hawks Soar To Victory? They won that football game, huh?"

Renee nodded. "Yeah, it was great. You weren't there?"

"Nah, I went out with Phil that night," I said, flipping through the rest of the pages.

"Ah," Renee said somewhat distantly, staring at something over my shoulder. It must've been nothing though, because she snapped back quickly.

"Growing Up Bella?" I asked, staring at the article. "Who wants to know about the Bella's childhood?"

Renee held her hands up. "Stephanie McMahon just gave me the article and told me to put it in the paper. I didn't write it. I think she just wants people to feel sympathetic towards Nikki or something."

"She forced you to publish that? That's ridiculous."

"I know! And...and..." Renee's eyes glazed over as she stared at something behind me.

Wait...something? Or someone?

I looked over my shoulder to see if I could get a peek of what--or who--she was staring at. I saw John Cena sitting at a table with Dolph Ziggler. Dean Ambrose was sitting with Roman Reigns as usual. Bray Wyatt and his gang were probably making evil schemes or something. I couldn't tell exactly who she was staring at--well, probably not the Wyatt's. At least I can narrow it down that much.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, turning back to face her.

"Me? Oh, I...I wasn't looking at anyone."

"Aha! So it is a person you're looking at!"

"No, it's nothing. Just...a stupid crush."

"Stupid crushes can turn into something, you know. Ginny Weasley had a crush on Harry Potter, and you know what happened to them."

The usually calm and cool Renee Young started to blush. "I know,'s nothing. Forget about it. Anyway, how's Phil been?" And just like that, Renee had changed the subject and was back to smiling.

We small talked for a little longer while we finished our lunches, and soon enough it was time to head to our next class: History.

"Ugh, I can't stand history," Renee groaned.

"It's even worse because Stephanie teaches it," I said. "I get that vice principals can teach classes, but that doesn't mean they should."

"Totally. Anyway, I'm going to chat with Jojo and Eden for a little bit. Talk to you later, AJ!" waved Renee, as she joined up with two of her friends.

It's been a while since I talked with someone in the cafeteria. The only person I've recently had a friendly conversation with at school was Paige, and that was forever ago. It was nice to chat with Renee for a little bit. 

Although I guess I need to bring my mind to the problem at hand--which was keeping myself from falling asleep during Stephanie's class. 

A hard task, indeed.

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Hey, I celebrate the little victories in life.

Anyway, I (sort of) have an updating schedule now! Or at least I hope to. I'm going to try an update at least once a week, but once Easter starts to get closer I might be slowing down to help clean, prepare, etc. 

If I miss a week or whatever, please excuse me. I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen by thinking about plots for each individual chapter while I'm not on, you know, then I'm not staring at the computer like "WHAT ARE WORDS WHAT IS THIS CHAPTER SUPPOSED TO BE" 

That's usually the reason why I don't update for a month at a time. Maybe I should give up being a lazy writer for Lent xD

Also, ignore the fact that even though they're in 12th grade, they still have the same teachers as they did while they were in 11th grade. Shhh...ignore that lol. 

Yeah. Talk to you later guys :3 WWE High School!Where stories live. Discover now