Chapter Twelve

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Boogeyman walked in and looked at me. He smiled and showed all his sharp bloody teeth. Dracula quickly went to go aid Daeda on the floor. Kal laughed.

"Come here Mason" Kal said. I walked up to him and we stood face to face. He was taller than I was but there was a way I can get taller. I took a deep breathe and gathered energy, and then I let it out. I became a demon. Now we stood at the same height.

"Ha!" Boogeyman laughed. "Nice new form Mason, I sense you have gotten stronger."

"You are right" I said. "I don't know why you wanted me to become a demon. This new found power and my warlock power makes me even more powerful."

"I'll tell you what I have planned" Kal said. "Might as well just tell you now that I am almost done with it. My plan is to assemble an army of demons to overthrow Lucifer and become the ruler of Hell, as you know. But I wanted you to become a demon so that way I can make you my slave. With your power it will be easier to take over Hell and Heaven both."

"So that's your plan" I said. "And how are you almost done?"

"Look" he said. He moved out of the way and behind him was a huge army of demons. I was surprised, I thought it would take longer for him to obtain followers. "Boogeyman please bring Mason to my chamber."

"As you wish my lord!" He yelled and charged for me. I saw Kal and his army all teleport away. He must really trust Boogeyman to do his job. He did achieve turning me into a demon.

Boogeyman drew his demon sword and swung for my legs. I flipped over him and kicked him with my long demon leg. I stood tall now above Boogeyman, but that didn't stop him. He kicked my jaw and I flew back. I gained balance and ran towards him. I fell. I still wasn't that used to this body.

I changed back into a human form and drew my dagger. "Ymra fo daed" I summoned an army of dead demon soldiers. They all ran towards Boogeyman and I saw him move quickly and behead most of them in a second.

"Impressive" I said.

"There is more to me than you think Mason" he said. "A lot more." He flipped over undead demons and kicked off their heads and swung for their chests. They didn't stand a chance.

Boogeyman laughed and looked at me menacingly. He walked up to me.

"Mason" he said. "Join us. Imagine ruling Hell and Heaven alongside a powerful leader. No one will control us and we will stand above all."

"What happened to the fighting?" I asked. "And no, I'm taking both of you out!"

"Worth a damned shot" he said and kicked my chest with all his strength. I coughed blood and swung my dagger for his heart. He grabbed my hand and flipped me over on my back. He placed his foot on my neck and put pressure. I couldn't breathe and struggled to get him off of me.

"Get off" I yelled and kicked him away. Out of no where I saw Dracula appear and kick him into a wall. He turned into a swarm of bats and blasted towards him. All the bats attacked and reformed to make Dracula. He plunged his sword into Boogeyman's chest. Boogeyman coughed blood and fell on his side.

"You bastard" he groaned. He held his wound to keep the blood from emptying out. He stood up slowly and let go of his wound and stretched. "That was definitely something alright."

"That was not enough me to take him out" Dracula said. "We need to work together and take him out."

I stood up and blasted at Boogeyman's wound and it went right through. He yelled in pain and Dracula ran to him and kicked his wound in and Boogeyman fell. He jumped onto his feet and swung his sword at the vampire king. He countered the attack and kicked Boogeyman in the gut. I quickly jumped in and kicked Boogeyman in the face.

He was fast but his weakness was that he couldn't stay focused on two fast fighters. Before he was capable to take me on because it was only me. Now he needs to worry about a much more powerful me and Dracula himself.

Dracula and him fought swinging each other's swords and dodging their attacks. Dracula turned into bats and flew backwards, I quickly slid in and kicked him in the jaw. He fell on his back and Dracula jumped onto his stomach and punched his face. He moved back and I jumped in once more and kneed his testicles and kicked his knee. He was on his knees and Dracula swung his sword and cut his chest. Boogeyman fell on his face and coughed out blood.

"We make an extremely great team" I patted Mason on the back.

"It's been a while since I have had a great partner" Dracula said. "I look forward to beating Kal besides you brother."

Boogeyman was leaning on a rock now with blood pouring from his mouth.

"Question before I kill you" I said to him. He nodded and smiled. "Why work with Kal? Why are you so evil? Everyone has a story."

"I'll tell you" he said. "I was once an angel like Kal, and even before that I was human. In medieval times I had a family and loved them with all my heart. I was a merchant and traveled around trading. When I returned I saw Lucifer there and his army of demons torturing and killing my family in front of me. I then became an assassin and trained with an angel to hunt down demons. After a long war I was killed and became an angel for my services in killing demons. After a anger tantrum I killed an angel, which is a high offense. I was banished to Hell and I was beat and tortured there. It was terrible and I felt myself become insane. My insanity made me a demon and I became this monster. Since then I have always wanted revenge against Lucifer and now I can take it."

"A touching story" Dracula said. "But it's time to die." He swung his sword.

"I don't think so" Boogeyman said. He teleported into the darkness and I couldn't sense him in Hell anymore, and he wasn't on Earth either.

He was gone.

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