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*Bear's POV*
Well, my story started 1 and a half years ago. My parents, Oscar and Lulu, had been waiting for their first litter of pups. Oscar was the alpha at the time and my mom was the beta. That made thier litter the highest ranked pups in the pack.

The night was snowy and cold, but the den was spacious and warm, perfect for newborn wolf pups. I was the first born, and the biggest and healthiest of all my siblings. My brothers and sisters automatically knew I was the pup in charge, the one who got the milk first and the one who got the comfiest spot to sleep.

6 pups were born, but only 2 survived. Me and my brother Patch. Everyone else had the sad fate of death at birth. My parents knew that they had to take the best care of me and Patch or else the pack wouldn't thrive, and future generations couldn't live there.

We had the best puppy hood imaginable. Patch and I got to play all day, and we even learned how to hunt and only 2 moths old! We were respected by everyone and always got the best meat. When we turned 1 was when things started to change. Our dad, Oscar, died in a fight against a rival pack and our mom had to take the title of alpha. Which meant someone had to be beta in place of mom. She picked Patch. I was outraged and so so sad."Why not me mom?" I asked. "Because I want to give your brother a chance. We've always known your the most powerful and want to let Patch have some of that power."

With Patch having all that power, it turned him against me. He started making false accusations against me and even had the guts to ban me from the pack. My mom was at a different pack sorting out some arguments when he said this so she had no idea I had disappeared until she returned. By then I was on my own, fending for myself and seeking shelter, desperate to stay alive.

Even though I got banned, I didn't stop being me. Every day I practiced hunting, jumping, climbing, and even running. That builds my strength so if anyone does try to hurt me I can fight back.

So now I'm here. And so is Echo.

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