Chapter 5

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*Bear's POV*
Wow, ok, so I just let a total stranger follow me around and even sleep beside me. That meant at any moment she could backlash and decide that she didn't like the idea of me anymore...

After our whole conversation I decided that I was hungry, and that it was getting late. So what we ended up doing was going on a little hunt. We were waking through the forest in silence until Echo suddenly stopped.

"What?" I asked.
"I swear I heard a rustling in the leaves." She answered. I wasn't going to let a potential good meal go to waste, so I let her keep tracking what she had smelled.

On purpose I didn't help her at all. I wanted to see if she was able to hunt. If Echo could, I would be very impressed, seeing how terrible she looked. On the other hand, if she couldn't hunt, I wouldn't be surprised.

After a couple minutes of following behind her I was fed up.

"Are you ever going to catch what you are tracking? A real hunter would be enjoying their meal by now." And as if on cue, my stomach growled. "Uhh," I moaned, "come on already!"

*Echo's POV*
After tracking that rabbit for a good five minutes and only getting complaining in response, I was fed up. I spoke my mind to Bear and said, "Would you just SHUT UP! I'm trying to get us a meal for tonight and you are over there, doing nothing, and complaining." He seemed shocked at that remark and was quiet the rest of the way.

When I finally picked up the animals scent again, it was almost completely dark and both of us were starving. I instructed Bear to stay put and I would be right back. He did as told, and I did what I was waiting for the entire night.

I bent into my hunters crouch, and steadily crept forward, not making a noise. Whenever the rabbit looked up from its grazing, I froze in place. After standing for about 1 minute, I saw another rabbit appear. Perfect I thought. One for each of us.

Than came the exact right time. I just knew it. The wind was blowing away from me, making the rabbit unable to smell me, and I was so, so close. So I pounced, missing the first rabbit by a fur and getting the other. As soon as I was sure the first was killed, I stalked and killed the other one.

Once I was done, I proudly pranced back to where Bear was standing. His mouth was wide open and he was drooling. Part of it was because he was hungry, and the other part was pure shock. He didn't speak a word, as we walked silently to where we would sleep.

Pretty good first day, I thought to my self. I didn't get killed, but instead got the two of us a meal. Well done, Echo

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